Italian Pdo Economy increases, even if not for all sectors. Good news, at an overall level, for one of the leading sectors of national economy, which arrives despite the difficulties of the agricultural productive system, and of markets. The value of the production of Italian Pdo and Pgi touched 20.2 billion euros in 2023 (+0.2% on annual basis) for a growth of +52% in ten years, and a contribution of 19% to the overall turnover of Italian agri-food. Food sector increases by +3.5% overcoming for the first time 9 billion euros, whilst bottled wine slows down both in quantity (-0.7%) as well as in value (-2.3%), and it attests at 11.6 billion euros with a positive trend in Eu countries. Data by Report Ismea-Qualivita No. 22, presented today in Rome, where also Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida intervened, certifies that. The system of Italian Pdo Economy, explains the report, is based on 317 Consortiums for the Protection authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture that coordinate the work of over 194,000 businesses operating in food and wine sectors capable of generating work for almost 850,000 employed.With the most precious denominations ever, in terms of value to the production, which have been that of Grana Padano (1.8 billion, +8.8%), of Parmigiano Reggiano (1.6 billion, -7%), and that of Prosciutto di Parma (951 million euros, +2%), before Prosecco Doc (942 million euros, -17.7%, and first wine denomination for value overall). Looking at the two macro-sectors in which the report is divided, as aforementioned, therefore, in 2023, wine/Pdo Pgi sector, both in terms of production volume bottled equal to 25.9 million of hectoliters (-0.7%), as well as in value of bottled attesting at 11 billion euros (-2.3%) with opposite trends between Pdo and Pgi. But the sector continues, obviously, to play a fundamental role in Pdo Economy, just thinking that it covers almost 60% of Pdo/Pgi exports. As to Pdo wines, the drop of the demand brought operators to bottle less (-4%) for a value equal to 9.08 billion euros (-3.7%). For Pgi wines, the bottled quantity increases (+6%) for a value equal to 1.95 billion euros in 2023 (+4.8%). Export reaches 6.89 billion euros (-0.6% on annual basis, and +66% compared to 2013), a substantial endurance after the bound of +10% registered in 2022. These are the figures of a sector made up of 107,175 operators, 333,000 employed, 135 Consortiums for the Protection authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, and 12 supervisory institutions. Regarding the value of production of bulk wine (overall it is 3.99 billion euros), leading the denominations there is Prosecco Pdo with 942 million euros (-17.7%), in front of Conegliano Valdobbiadene - Prosecco (205 million euros, -14%), Delle Venezie (177 million euros, -5.8%), Asti (123 million euros, -7%), Amarone della Valpolicella (115 million euros, -11.2%), Valpolicella Ripasso (110 million euros , -3.8%), Veneto Pgi (99 million euros, +45.7%), Alto Adige (99 million euros, -1.9%), Puglia (92 million euros, -9.6%), and Barolo (90 million euros, -7.3%), in the “top 10”, and then Chianti Classico (82 million euros, +2.4%), Chianti (80 million euros, -23.4%), Brunello di Montalcino (76 million euros, +1.8%), Sicilia (72 million euros, +2.4%), and Terre Siciliane (71 million euros, +6.2%). At a regional level, the first 10 Regions for Pdo/Pgi wine economic impact, show all negative signals, excluding the Abruzzi at Position No.10. For the economic value (in 2023) of Pdo/Pgi wines at the consumption, according to the report, Veneto leads with 4.3 billion euros (-0.8%), followed by Piedmont with 1.2 billion euros (-3.4%), Tuscany at 1.1 billion euros (-7.4%), Friuli-Venezia Giulia (809 million euros, -1.1%), South Tyrol (703 million euros, -1.1%), Puglia (562 million euros, -11%), Lombardy (496 million euros, -0.1%), and Sicily which climbs a position with 450 million euros (-3%), overcoming Emilia-Romagna (441 million euros, -3%), with the Abruzzi to close the “top 10” with 275 million euros (+10.2%). For wine, the exported quantity drops (-2.9%) for a stable value equal to 6.89 billion euros (-0.6%) after the bound of +10% of 2022, but with a trend of +66% compared to 2013. Pdo Pgi wine sector counts 332,506 employed, and 107,175 operators. The certified wine is equal to 17.78 million of hectoliters (-5.1%), the value of the production of the bulk wine is at 3.99 million euros (-8.1%), that of bottled wine is at 11.03 billion euros corresponding to 25.9 million of hectoliters (-0.7%). At a general level, Pdo and Pgi sector exports, between wine and food, confirm a value of 11.6 billion euros (-0.1% compared to 2022), and a trend of +75% in ten years. The growth in Eu countries (+5.3%) compensates the drop in Extra-Eu countries (-4.6%), particularly significant data considering the current debate about duties, with third countries absorbing over the half (52%) of the export of Italian Pdo Economy, and the Usa, first destination overall, which, alone, is worth over a fifth (21%) of Italian Pdo Pgi exports. Food sector realizes 4.67 billion euros, +0.7% in a year, and +90% compared to 2013, with increases in value for cheese, past, and olive oil. At the bottom of Pdo Pgi supply chains, there are 194,387 operators, including 186,547 producers, and 31,197 transformers, adhering to production policy documents, and undergoing to certification controls. In food sector,there are 87,212 operators. Report Ismea-Qualivita 2024 deepens also the impact of Pdo Economy on the employment, elaborating Inps data about the work relationship during the agricultural phase, and during the transformation of Pdo Pgi supply chains. Overall, 847,405 employees in Italian Pdo Economy are estimated, 510,260 during the agricultural phase, and 337,145 during the transformation phase. The employees in food sector are 585,543. After two consecutive years with increasing data in 18 Regions out of 20, Report Ismea-Qualivita 2024 describes a more varied framework: out of 107 Italian provinces, 61 have the highest value of Pdo Economy, 17% with double-digit increases. The positive trend in Southern Italy and Isles continues (+4.0%), always in growth in the last five years, with good results mainly by Sardinia (+19%), and the Abruzzi (+11%). Also Northern-Western Italy grows, driven by Lombardy which overcomes for its first time 2.5 billion euros, and it grows for the third consecutive year. Northern-Eastern Italy has stable results overall (-0.6%), and it is worth 54% of Pdo Economy, with Emilia-Romagna slowing down slightly (-2.4%), and Veneto, that, with 4.85 billion euros, confirms to be the leading Region (and, where wine, thanks to Prosecco, has a dominant role, ed). Central Italy registers worse results (-3.9%) with Tuscany (-5.5%) representing the great part of the economic value, and Lazio is the only region in growth (+8.8%). Therefore, food Pdo Economy, grows for the third consecutive year, and in 2023, it reached 9.17 billion euros of value to the production (+3.5% the annual growth, +44% the trend since 2013) for a turnover to final consumption brushing against 18 billion euros (+3.6%). Cheese does particularly well (+5.3%), for its first time over 5.5 billion euros, and with the highest production of the last five years, but good increases in value also for olive oil (+33%), bakery and patisserie products (+9%), and fresh meat (+10%). The export reaches 4.67 billion euros (+0.7% on an annual basis, and +90% compared to 2013), thanks mainly to the growth of Eu markets (+6.4%). These are figures that are the result of the dedication of 87,212 operators, 585,000 employed, 182 Consortiums for the Protection authorized by the Ministry, and 42 supervisory institutions. The expense for products in Gdo was equal to 5.9 billion euros in 2023, for a growth of 7.2% in a year, a dynamic in line with the entire food industry, whose expense in 2023 increased by +8.6% (result of a rise in prices, with a chart slightly lightened in volumes). Food marks a +9.5% with cheese and olive oils growing also in volume, other than in value; the expense for wine registers a +2.7%. In the first 9 months 2024, data about food expense of Italians confirms the level of 2023 (with a +0,8% on an annual basis). The increasing role of discount stores for Pdo Pgi products, that in 2024 has overcome the market share by 18% is confirmed; also the appeal to promotion sales by Gdo results to be higher than generic products. According to Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture, Report Ismea-Qualivita No. 22, “it describes us as a Pdo Economy that continues to be a fundamental pillar for our agri-food system. An overall value to the production of over 20 billion euros, and a growth of food industry of 3.5% in 2023, prove the strength of our supply chains, and the quality that made in Italy represents in the world. Despite the current geopolitical challenges, our Pdo and Pgi products drive the export, confirming their strategic role of 317 Consortiums for the Protection coordinating the work of almost a million of operators. Let’s look at the future with optimism, sure of the value that our agri-food is capable of generating by reinforcing the territory and Italian identity”. Mauro Rosati, director of Foundation Qualivita and Origin Italia, explained how “the data of this report confirms that Italian Geographical Indications represent a resilient system, capable of coping with the several challenges that 2024 set, both in the climatic and commercial field, successfully. This result is supported by a solid occupation basis, and by the continuous development of 317 Consortiums for the Protection recognized by the Ministry. Particularly, the data about Southern Italy that has been growing for five years, highlights a reinforcement of Pdo Economy model in those territories, proving the ability of the sector to take root and thrive also in complex situations. Looking at the future, it is fundamental that Pdo Pgi sector, with Italian and European Institutions, pay the maximum attention to the rapid technological transformations over time in food field, and to the evolutionary dynamics of international markets in order to ensure an increasingly higher level of competitiveness and sustainability to the system”.
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