The passion for “organic” continues to grow in Italy with the vineyards that are increasingly greener. A trend that has increased a lot in recent years although the potential to do even better is there, especially in terms of product sales. Today, in fact, over 133,000 hectares are cultivated organically, that means 22% of the national vineyard areas. “Important numbers, which, on the one hand, could grow more by removing the obstacles mainly bureaucratic for agricultural enterprises and, on the other, still remain little visible on the consumption front with citizens not so informed and involved”, explains Cia-Agricoltori Italiani, which, in a note emphasizes, despite the increase in the areas of organic vines (+160% since 2010), with Sicily and Tuscany “queen” on the green podium, still production remains limited (3 million hectolitres the volume of organic wine, equal to % of the national total) and even lower consumption, amounting to 1-2% of total sales.
Cia and Anabio (its reference association) propose a six-step memorandum with the purpose of overcoming the current difficulties and relaunching the development of the sector. Starting from the simplification of process and product certification procedures as well as from the bureaucratic liberation to favor the conversion of companies to organic; continuing to launch information and communcation campaigns for encoraging the consumption of organic products and stimulating consumer demand, at a time when attention to the environment and sustainability is becoming increasingly diffused; predict including tax relief for industry players and increased support for research, innovation and training; ensuring uniform rules within the EU on the production and marketing of organic produce.
Coldiretti highlighted how organic wine producers in Italy have grown to over 22,000 with an annual production of 3 milion hectoliters. A result that, the association highlight, confirms the commitment of Italian winegrowers to sustainability, but also the entrepreneurial ability to respond to the new demands of consumers for products that respect the environment, high quality and linked to the territory. Sicily (which with over 30,000 hectares is ahead of Tuscany and Marche) is the “train” of organic wine at national level with 38% of the area dedicated to the total of the regional viticulture. Data 2023, taken from Nomisma’s Wine Monitor observatory (according to which, in the last 12 months, 52% of regular wine buyers in Italy preferred to choose an organic wine) speak of an increase of 20% in the last year.
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