Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Cities of Wine, Embracing the Pope

In his honor, the “flying wine maker”, Roberto Cipresso, has created the magnum “Abbraccio” of the “Selection of the Mayor”
Floriano Zambon consegna a Papa Francesco una magnum de “La Selezione del Sindaco” a Papa Francesco

The tradition continues. Following Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, the Cities of Wine met Pope Francis, perhaps the most linked to the wine world in living memory. He is the grandson of a vigneron (his grandfather produced Grignolino in Asti); he has often been quoted for references and metaphors about wine (“there is no party without wine”). In his honor, the “flying wine maker”, Roberto Cipresso, has created the magnum “Abbraccio” of the “Selection of the Mayor”, a blend of sweet wines.

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