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Yellow Tail and Casillero del Diablo are (again) the strongest wine brands in the world

In the “Global Wine Brand Power 2020 Index” of Wine Intelligence also Antinori (Belgium), Riunite (Mexico), Tommasi and Masi (Sweden)

Yellow Tail and Casillero del Diablo are still the two strongest wine brands in the world according to the “Global Wine Brand Power 2020 Index” of Wine Intelligence, built not on sales, but on consumers’ opinions, collected in 21 different markets, representing 380 million wine drinkers, divided into six different inputs: awareness, frequency of purchase in the last 3 months, conversion rate of awareness to purchase, post-purchase considerations and affinity with the brand. It is a static top 15, but it deserves a more careful analysis.
Starting from Yellow Tail, Australian brand for the third year in a row (i.e. since the index has existed) at the top of the ranking, thanks to global dominance: it is in the top 5 of the major markets - Canada, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Ireland, UK and USA - and despite an overall drop in the indexes related to awareness and frequency of purchase, the strong connection with the consumer confirms it in first place. Casillero del Diablo, on the other hand, dominates the domestic market in Chile, but also in Colombia and Ireland, losing some positions in the main export markets, where purchases support the ranking. In general, the overall indexes are down for all 15 wine brands in the ranking, following a trend that began in 2019, but the dynamics are less worrying than a year ago, and linked to the drop in brand awareness, which brings with it the drop in consumption.
There are two news: the Spanish Torres, in position no. 15, and the Chilean Santa Carolina, in position no. 12, who takes the place of Woodbridge and Wolf Blass. Overall, a third of the brands are American - Gallo Family, Barefoot, Carlo Rossi, Robert Mondavi, and Beringer - both because of the size of the US market and the loyalty of its consumers: 75% of the still wine sold overseas is domestic, more than half of regular consumers drink California wines and, representing almost 20% of the sample represented, US consumers maintain the popularity of American wines in the ranking. There are four Chilean wine brands in the “Global Wine Brand Power 2020 Index” - Gato Negro, Casillero del Diablo, Santa Carolina and Frontera (Concha y Toro group) - even though Chile produces just 4% of the world’s wine, while Australia is at three, with two - Yellow Tail and Jacob’s Creek, in addition to Lindeman’s - in the top five positions, and France, which is worth 17% of the world’s wine production, maintains both its brands - J. P. Chenet and Mouton Cadet - in the ranking.
In this panorama, Italy plays a secondary role: it is not among the markets take into consideration (extended to Colombia, Finland, Hong Kong, and Mexico), but there are brands capable of placing themselves in the rankings of individual countries, such as Antinori, in position n. 12 in Belgium, joined at position no. 7 in Mexico, where Lambrusco is by far the must drunk and loved Italian wine, and, above all, the two brands of Amarone, Tommasi, and Masi, respectively at position no. 7 and position no. 9 in Sweden.

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