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Lombardy turns around on the ban on the sale of wine and spirits after 6 pm

Consumption in any public area remains prohibited. The new ordinance 623, after the protests of the world of wine
ALCOHOL, COVID, Lombardy, prohibition, WINE, News
Lombardy turns around on the ban on the sale of wine and spirits after 6 pm

Except for the so-called “curfew” from 11 pm to 5 am, one of the measures put in place to contain the growth of contagions by Covid 19, the Lombardy Region, where contagions are growing at a fast pace, turns around on the theme of the sale of wine and spirits in stores, supermarkets, wine stores and so on. After the protest of the wine world started in recent days by the Chianti-based entrepreneur Mario Piccini with an open letter, as previewed by WineNews, which was followed by the positions of representatives such as Unione Italiana Vini (UIV), Federvini and Assoenologi, and consortia such as that of Chianti and that of Franciacorta, in the new ordinance 623 published late yesterday evening by the Region led by Attilio Fontana, the ban on sales has fallen, while restrictions on consumption remain, with that of alcoholic beverages always prohibited in areas open to the public. In particular, explains the Region: “food and beverage activities, both in public and private areas (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, rotisseries, pizzerias, kiosks) are allowed from 5 am to 11 pm. After 6 pm the consumption must take place exclusively at the tables. A maximum of 6 people per table is allowed, without counting cohabitants and relatives; with the closure of public establishments at the established time must cease all consumption and must be carried out the evacuation of the premises, catering with home delivery is always allowed, while catering with take-away or “drive-through” (car service) is allowed until 11pm, with prohibition to consume on site or nearby; the 24 hour dispensers of drinks and packaged food are closed from 6 pm to 5 am (only if accessed from the street); it is forbidden from 6 pm to 5 am to consume drinks in areas open to the public; it is always forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages of any strength in public areas including parks, gardens and villas open to the public”. Among other measures, on Saturdays and Sundays there is the closure of large sales structures and retail stores inside the shopping centers, while on Saturdays and Sundays the stores that sell groceries remain open.

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