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Italy gets top OIV 2020 awards in viticulture, laws and Vermouth

ASSOENOLOGI awarded for “The new Vitivinicultural Regulations”, Special Mention for “Vinifera, Let’s start again from the roots” (Scienza)
OIV Awards to top wine publications

The OIV has been giving awards for the last 90 years to the top publications dedicated to the wine world. This year, the OIV 2020 Awards in the “Viticulture” category were given to “La Vigne: Virus, bactérieset phytoplasmes” by Jean-Sébastien Reynard, Santiago Schaerer, Katia Gindro and Olivier Viret, and to the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, FranceAgrimer site, for the "Plan national dépérissement du vignoble”, and a Special Mention for “Vinifera Let’s start from the roots”, published by Assoenologi, the Association of Oenologists and coordinated by Professor Attilio Scienza, full professor of oenology at the University of Milan, and one of the leading experts in viticulture in the world. The OIV award in the “Wine Law” category went to “Marques vitivinicoles et appellations d’origine. Conflits, mimétismes et nouveaux paradigmes”, a group publication, directed by Théodore Georgopoulos, and “The new Wine Regulations - Traceability, simplification, self-control after the Consolidated Wine Text”, signed by Stefano Sequino, Luigi Bonifazi and Massimiliano Apollonio for Assoeonologi.
Many other awards were given, like the German group Helmut Dietrich, Herbert Otteneder and Reiner Wittkowski were given the award for “Analytikdes Weines - Untersuchen und bewerten”, for the “Oenology” category, and a Special Mention for “Advances in Grape and Wine Biotechnology” to the Spaniards, Antonio Morata and Iris Loira. In the “Wine Economy” category the award went to “Luxury Wine Marketing – The Art and Science of Luxury Wine”, signed by Peter Yeung and Liz Thach, and “Wine Marketing - The Rule of the Game and the Spider’s Strategy”, by the Greek Argyrios Tsakiris.
In the “History” category, the award went to “Vins et alcools pendant la Première World Wars (1914-1919)”, curated by Hubert Bonin, and to “Histoire d’un vignoble – Limoux”, by Laurence Turetti, Georges Chaluleau, with a Special Mention to “La Vid y el Vino en el Cono Sur de América, Argentina y Chile (1545-2019)”, by the Chilean, Pablo Lacoste. For the category, “Beautiful Arts”, the OIV Award went to “Accords majeurs - Les virtuoses de la musique et du vin”, by Frédéric Durand-Bazin, Nidhal Marzouk, and a Special Mention award went to the website “Le Musée virtuel du Vin”. In the “Discovery and Presentation of wines” category, the OIV Award went to “Vignerons essentiels - Entre tradition et innovation” by Jérémy Cukierman and Leif Carlsson and to “Comment met-on les bulles dans le champagne?” by Michel Valade and Florent Humber, with a Special Mention for “Vinárstvo, someliérstvo a enogastronómia” by the Slovakians, Štefan Poláček, Ján Tomáš, Vladimír Vietoris, Mária Lumnitzerová.
The OIV Award for the “Wines and Territories” category, went to “The wines of Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova” by Caroline Gilby and “Wines of the French Alps: Savoie, Bugey and beyond, with local food and travel tips” by Wink Lorch, with a Special Mention to “Svenskt Vin - en vinvärld som växer” by Mattias Säfwenberg and Marielle Stensson. In the category, “Monographs and Specialized Studies”, the OIV Award went to “Clos, a patrimoine viticole” by Benjamin Darreau, Philippe Toinard and Thibaut Voisin, and to “Il Grande Libro di Vermouth di Torino” by Giusi Mainardi and Pierstefano Berta. In the “Proceedings of Symposia” category, it went to “Vin et gastronomie- Regards croisés” by Jocelyne Pérard and Olivier Jacquet, and Special Mention to “Le vin: quand les femmes s'en mêlent”. In the “Encyclopedic Manual” category, the award went to Paul Brunet’s “La Sommellerie de Référence”. And, in the “Sustainable Viticulture” category, it went to “Soil Preparation for Sustainable Wine and Table Grape Vineyards” by Johan L. van Zyl and J. Eduard Hoffman and to “Social Sustainability in the Global Wine Industry. Concepts and cases”, by Sharon L Forbes, Tracy-Anne De Silva and Armand Gilinsky Jr, with a Special Mention for “La Vigne et ses plantes Compagnes - Histoireet avenir d’unettone vegetal”. Finally, the OIV Award for “Multi-Category Technical Publications” went to the website, “IVES Revue Technique, vigne et vin”.

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