Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Signs of recovery: in Lugana bottlings and values increase and storage is unblocked

The Consortium gives the green light to 8,900 hectoliters put in reserve to manage the offer. Ettore Nicoletto: “prompt reaction on the market. 2020 great vintage”
EXPORT, LUGANA, recovery, WINE, News
The Lugana vineyards overlooking Garda Lake

Comforting signals continue to arrive from many territories of Italian wine, telling of a recovery that seems less and less distant every day, and of a market that is starting to move again. Like that of Lugana, one of the most successful Italian white wines in the world (exports account for over 70% of the production of the denomination, which overlooks Lake Garda), which, in the first quarter of 2021, saw an increase in bottling and values, so much so that the Consortium, led by Ettore Nicoletto, decided to release 50% of the bulk wine put into storage, with the green light for 8,900 hectoliters of wine from the regions of Lombardy and Veneto. An important signal, supported by data, with bottling growing by +11,2% over the first 3 months of 2020, as well as the values of the grapes (+23%) and especially of bulk wine (+69%) according to data of the Chamber of Commerce of Verona. “As was the case in October, the Consortium reacted promptly, thanks also to the flexibility inherent in the supply management measure that we decided to adopt as a precautionary measure. The storage allowed us to be reactive and to respond to the needs of producers” explains the president of the Consortum, Ettore Nicoletto. Satisfaction also comes from the market, which has recently welcomed the new vintage with enthusiasm. “The 2020 harvest gave us wines with great balance, thanks to the cool nights, which have preserved the acidity and elegance typical of Turbiana, and to a temperature trend that has allowed a great aromatic expression – adds Nicoletto – it will be an extremely pleasant vintage in the immediate future, immediate future. However, by making a prediction, we believe that it will remembered above all for some memorable Riserva typology (which must be aged or refined for at least 24 months, of which 6 in the bottle ed)”.

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