Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Fine wines, Sassicaia is the most traded wine by volume and the second by value in 2021

Data on the first half of 2021 of Liv-Ex, with the great red wine of Bolgheri of Tenuta San Guido, dominating the scene

In the firmament of an increasingly luminous Italian wine in the fine wines market, the star of Sassicaia, the legendary wine of Bolgheri, born from the genius of the Incisa della Rocchetta family among the rows of Tenuta San Guido, continues to shine its own light. Because according to the balance sheet on the first half of 2021 of Liv-Ex, reference platform of the collectors’ market, Sassicaia, with the 2018 vintage (the one celebrating the harvest n. 50 on the market), is the second most traded wine in value - behind only one of the Bordeaux myths, Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2018 - and with two vintages is at the top among the single labels that moved more volumes with the first absolute place in volume, again with the 2018 vintage, and the third with the 2017 vintage, separated by the 2010 vintage of Champagne Dom Pérignon. In the “Top 5” of the most traded wines by volume stands Barbaresco 2016 by Produttori del Barbaresco.

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