“2015 was the year Italian Wine Brands Group was listed on the stock exchange, exactly on January 29th, the first Italian wine company to be listed. Since then, their stock has registered more than 130% growth in value, going from 10 euros per share at the time of listing to over 22 euros per share today. Likewise, market capitalization has grown from 60 million euros on the day of the IPO to over 210 million euros today, confirming the solidity of the Group and investors’ appreciation. Turnover has grown from 140 million euros in 2015 to 400 million euros today. “In addition, the 2024 EBITDA should close at 50 million euros, compared to 12 million in 2015”, Alessandro Mutinelli, president and CEO of IWB, emphasized, in celebrating and analyzing the first decade of the Group’s stock market listing. Over the years, the Group has brought together companies such as Giordano Vini and Provinco, and aggregated five other companies, Svinando, Raphael Dal Bo, Enoitalia, Enovation Brands and Barbanera, “involving all the founders and families of the companies, gradually consolidated in the project and in the company’s capital”. Mutinelli continued saying that other acquisitions could still come, “as long as they are consistent with the objectives of innovation and value creation of the Group, which has taken up the challenge of the Stock Exchange. It was the first wine company to be listed, when everyone was saying that wine companies were too small, required too much investment and did not guarantee an adequate return on capital”. The case history of Italian Wine Brands, instead, has demonstrated the opposite, up to now. However, “the journey is not over yet”, Mutinelli said.
Today, IWB, at more than 70% floating capital, a note from the Group explained, “represents a true public company, counting thousands of shareholders, including Italian and foreign institutional investors as well as private citizens”. The company sells 80% on International markets, and “boasts 5 analysis laboratories committed to constantly monitoring the quality of raw materials and products, a distributing approximately 160 million bottles in over 90 countries on all 5 continents, compared to 44 million bottles sold in 2015. The Group’s portfolio includes more than 70 proprietary brands and private labels divided by product range, demonstrating its ability to create high-quality wines that respond to the ever-evolving taste of connoisseurs”, IWB explained.
The stock market debut dates back to exactly January 29, 2015, “when the Group was created for the purpose of aggregator of wine companies to determine a champion of the sector. The foundation of the IWB Group actually occurred at the same time as the listing on the then AIM market (now EGM), through the evolution of the SPAC model, the pre-booking IPO Challenger promoted by Simone Strocchi's Electa Ventures, consolidating two companies, at its launch, such as the Trentino-based Provinco Italia and the Piedmont Giordano Vini. The objective”,an official note explained, “was immediately clear. That is, to sustain a project, led by Alessandro Mutinelli and supported by new capital, determined to form a sector leader in a historically very fragmented wine market. The operation with an industrial vision has demonstrated and still represents that finance, perceived as construction capital and not mere trading, can help the formation of industry champions led by determined and visionary entrepreneurs, who themselves become sector aggregators and driving forces of entire Italian supply chains of excellence”.
“Over the past 10 years since the listing”. Alessandro Mutinelli added, “we have always looked ahead, to tomorrow, to innovation to development, to how we could grow and make IWB stronger and stronger on the market. On this tenth anniversary, however, it is necessary to look back at the road we have traveled so far. I would like to thank everyone who, with passion, competence and determination, has accompanied me on this journey of growth and creating an industrial and commercial company that did not exist before. Thanks to our team, today Italian Wine Brands is an acknowledged, respected and appreciated copany throughout the world, because of its size, quality of its products, extent of its range, its distribution and the fact that it is the only true Italian public company in the wine sector. We have kept the promise we made at the time of listing, that is, to become an aggregating entity in the fragmented world of Italian wine, and to compete on equal terms with the main global competitors. We have also kept our promise to our shareholders, multiplying the stock market capitalization. Our journey, however, is not over. There are still many roads to explore, which we will face with competence, enthusiasm and the desire to succeed”.
“It seems like yesterday that IWB began its journey”, Simone Strocchi, IWB advisor and promoter together with Electa Ventures of the listing operation in 2015, commented, “to be listed on the stock market, facilitated by our innovative pre-booking company IPO Challenger. Since then, the company has continued to grow, under the resolute guidance of Alessandro Mutinelli, inspired by an increasingly strong and passionate group of entrepreneurs and managers who share the declared mission to build an Italian wine group leader in the sector. Today, IWB is a leader company, an investment opportunity for those who want to share in its growth as well as an illuminating example to train new industry champions in different sectors who intend to promote the aggregation of districts and supply chains of Italy’s excellent products. We want to, we can and we must support the creation of other business champions, on the IWB model, encouraging constructive meetings regarding savings and ambitious Italian entrepreneurial projects”.
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