If one drinks, it is better not to drive. It is reaffirmed still another time. But, if one drinks one or two “standard” wine glasses (125 ml), and eats, at the net of peculiar situations, and considering the reactions of the body varying from person to person, overall, not only it’s not bad for anyone, but one also remains under the limits foreseen by the Highway Code to drive with safety, and doesn’t run into sanctions (under 0.5 of blood alcohol level). We wrote it often, in the last days, on WineNews, and “Quattroruote” confirms it now, the most followed and authoritative publication about cars and motors, which, after the media noise linked to new sanctions (over 0.8 of blood alcohol level) introduced at the end of the year by the reform of the Highway Code, it carried out an ad hoc test, which confirms that drinking with moderation, and during the meals, according to the tables by the Ministry, and by the Healthcare Institute, one remains in the limits of laws (and of safety). An empirical test, obviously, but indicative, in which two men and two women took part voluntarily, with different weight, build, and age who drunk quantities indicated by the tables of the ministry of red wine, beer, sparkling wine, and also Gin, in equal quantities in two “rounds”, with thirty minutes of difference from one to the other, to which also blood alcohol level was measured with a homologated breathanalyzer and implemented by the local law enforcement of Buccinasco, located in the south of Milan. It emerged that participants who drunk two glasses of wine (each 125 ml), or two sparkling wine flûtes (100 ml), or two glasses of beer (330 ml), or 40 ml of Gin, consuming a light lunch, remained under the law threshold, which remained unchanged in the 0.50 grams per liter reform. But, the specialized headline of Editoriale Domus warns “that each metabolism is different”, and underlines the so-called “multiplier effect” of alcoholic substance: during the measurement at the second glass (always carried out 30 minutes after), blood alcohol level increased to 0.21 against 0.08 measured after the consumption of the first wine glass, and, therefore not to the awaited 0.16, result of the sum 0.08 + 0.08 grams per liter. But, anyway, it emerges that moderation, wisdom, and self control are the best prevention without having to renounce to the convivial pleasure of a wine glass during the meals.
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