The philosophy behind creating the singular 2024 calendar, signed by the Roma DOC Consortium, led by Tullio Galassini, with the contribution of ARSIAL (Regional Agency for Development and Innovation of Lazio Agriculture) is to measure the passing of time in the ancient language of the Eternal City, Latin, and pair the unique beauties of the Capital to wines that bear its name, like Roma DOC. The 12 unpublished photos display the wines of the Consortium, set in the most famous views of the Capital. The Consortium’s latest project tells the story of the history of the denomination combining the wines to historic sites in Rome: the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, the Tiber Island, Castel Sant'Angelo, the Colosseum and Trastevere.
The eternal thousand-year bond has been retraced through the eyes of six young creators, Sara Vaiani, Chiara Giannotti, Lorenzo Maddalena, Gian Marco D’Eusebi, Letizia Porcini and Giuseppe Petronio, who come from the food and wine, fashion and travel sectors. The product is the calendar signed by the Consortium, which in addition to the extraordinary charm of the beauty of the images, counts on an extra added value. It is entirely in Latin, and the days are marked by “ides” and “calends”.
“Our choice was not at all random, as we have been thinking about it for a long time, because it is also in line with our direction, which is to balance the past, the present and the future”, Tullio Galassini, president of the Roma DOC Consortium emphasized, “Latin is the basis of many of modern languages, just as Rome is the cradle of Western civilization. This project, therefore, highlights all of these elements, grouping them in a daily use product. So, we have entrusted the talent of six of the most famous faces on the web to immortalize in 12 photos, one for each month of the year, this perpetual bond, of which the Roma DOC Consortium considers itself to be the guardian”.
The project, to be concluded at the end of 2023, continues the communication path the Consortium has undertaken, aiming to promote the wines while at the same time, tell the story of the winemaking tradition, its link with the territory and the values that constitute the excellent Roma DOC wines. This path looks to the future of the denomination and aspires to internationalization, while still maintaining its roots firmly in the past, which all of the wineries in the Consortium have followed for quite some time. Therefore, the calendar represents the meeting point between the wines of Rome and the city, history and modernity, which constitute the two complementary faces of the denomination.
“The link between wine and Rome is the fulcrum of the denomination”, Rossella Macchia, vice-president of the Roma DOC Consortium, pointed out, “and hence our commitment to consolidate the liaison between the producing companies and the Roman trade. Over the past few months, we have continued in this direction, reiterating that the Capital represents the natural point of reference for Roma DOC wines. We are counting on the active cooperation of companies, institutions and sector associations, to ensure that the new calendar will be visible in restaurants, wine bars, and hotels in our city, acting as an important business card for Romans as well as tourists”. Alessandro Onorato, Councilor of Rome Capital for Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion, and Giancarlo Righini, Councilor for Budget, Economic Planning, Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Hunting and Fishing, Parks and Forests of the Lazio Region, both agree, and have stated that never before has Rome been at the center of global attention. And, its assets, such as agri-food production, catering and hospitality require widespread communication and a solid connection with the Roman social-productive fabric and the institutions.
The Roma DOC denomination is waiting to be discovered and built up, even though it trades almost 2 million bottles, totaling an income of 15 million euros, anchored to the beautiful sites in Rome. Furthermore, it is the largest agricultural municipality in Italy of native varieties, which include, Malvasia Puntinata, Montepulciano and Cesanese. WineNews will tell the story in a video, available in a few days’ time, of the innumerable beauties the city has to offer, and its uniqueness, such as the Casino dell’Aurora frescoed by Guido Reni, and the Pallavicini family, which has been producing wine since 1600. “Nunc vino pellite curas, cras ingens iterabimus aequor”, or in English, “Now let wine chase away your cares, tomorrow we will be once more sailing the great sea”, is the auspicious quote from Horace, which will be on the cover of the calendar. It is a wish from Roma DOC to all Italian wine, which now instead is sailing in troubled waters.
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