Antinori, Frescobaldi and Santa Margherita in terms of profitability, Cantine Riunite-Giv (Gruppo Italiano Vini), Caviro and Botter at the top in terms of turnover: these are the top players in Italian wine, after a very tough 2020 for the entire sector, as emerges from the report on the wine sector signed by Mediobanca, Sace and Ipsos.
A ranking that reflects, in terms of numbers and changes in turnover, a very hard year in which, in general, the realities more focused on out of home and high-end have suffered more, while those already well present in large-scale distribution and with the core business on a more popular product range, and strongly export-oriented, have gained market share.
If we look at the fundamental parameter of profitability, that is, the ratio between net profit and turnover, the absolute leader is Antinori (26%), ahead of Frescobaldi (24.5%) and Santa Margherita (24.2%), that is, three of the most articulated wine producers with the best market positioning. The leader for percentage of growth, instead, is the Italiana Wine Brand group (+29%), in front of Contri Spumanti (+13.8%), Caviro and Mondodelvino (both +10%), Cavit (+9.6%), La Marca (+8.7%), to close with Botter (+6.4%) and Schenk Italia (+5.7%).
The leadership of turnover in 2020, on the other hand, is confirmed to be the prerogative of the Cantine Riunite-Giv group, with turnover at 581 million euros (-4.4% compared to 2019), clearly distanced from the second position held by another cooperative, the Romagna-based Caviro, whose turnover, on the other hand, grew by 10%, approaching 362 million euros. On the podium, the Veneto-based Casa Vinicola Botter (230 million, +6.4%, and acquired in recent months by the Clessidra Fund, ed).
Above “quota 200”, by turnover, are confirmed Antinori, with 215 million euros (-12.5%), Cavit, leader of the Trentino cooperation (2020 turnover equal to 210 million euros, +9.6% on 2019), and again the Piedmontese Fratelli Martini (208 million euros, +1.1% on 2019), Italian Wine Brand (204 million, +29.7%) and the Venetian Enoitalia (201 million euros). And then, above 100 million euros, there are in order, Mezzacorona (193.6 million euros, +3.7%), Zonin (178.3, -9.3%), Santa Margherita (172, -9.2%), La Marca (152.9 +8.7%), Terre Cevico (127.3, -3.9%), Mondodelvino (122, +10%), Cantina di Soave (120, 8, -11.2%), Schenk Italia (117.5, +5.7%), Contri Spumanti (107.1, +13.8%), Ruffino (106.3, -19.4%), Frescobaldi (106, 12.9%), Collis Veneto Wine Group (104.8, -3.8%), Vivo Cantine (101.1 -6%) and the wine division of Gruppo Campari (100.4, -9.2%).
A ranking that, in all likelihood, next year will be decidedly different, at least in terms of turnover, not only due to the effects of what everyone hopes will be a full recovery, but also due to the effect of the process of mergers and acquisitions seen in recent months, such as the operation Italian Wine Brands - Enoitalia, which has created a group with a potential turnover of over 400 million euros, or those of Fondo Clessidra, which has brought together under its ownership the control of Botter and Mondo del Vino, for a turnover estimated at 352 million euros.
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