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Black autumn for U.S. wine sales (-11% in November), somewhat better for Italy (-3%)

According to the Observatory by Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv), it is sparkling wines that are slowing down the export contraction
Sparkling wines become the most consumed type of Italian wine in the U.S.

It was a negative autumn for wine sales in the United States: total wine consumption in November marks a monthly trend decline of 11%, a figure that brings the volume sales gap in the first 11 months 2023 to -8%. It goes better for Italian wines alone, which, between US off trade and horeca, limit losses to -3% in November and -3.5% for the year. This is noted by the Observatory of Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv). 
According to the Uiv report based on SipSource, a tool that monitors 75% of U.S. retail establishments, the minor contraction in Italian wine consumption during the period is attributable to the - so far good - hold of the sparkling wine segment (+2.2% trend over the year), against a generalized drop in still wines, with reds at -9%, whites at -3% and rosés at -13%. Definitely negative data, although in general hopeful signs seem to be coming from other countries, according to the latest Istat surveys.
Among channels, losses in out-of-home consumption (restaurants, bars, hotels) stand at -5%, while off premise demand (large-scale retail, wholesale, liquor store, grocery) is reported to be falling to -9%.
In November 2023 alone, with the overtaking of white wines, sparkling wines (+8% over the same period 2022) became the Italian type most consumed by U.S. wine lovers, with a share close to 38%, compared to 35.5% for whites and 17.5% for reds, the latter in sharp regression (-16%). The difficulties of reds are not limited, however, to products from Italy: in 2023, the decline in the total market is 10%, bisected by a -15% November. The only positive item is cocktail wines, which grew by 2% both in November 2023 and in the computation of the 11 months.

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