Brunello di Montalcino Tenuta Nuova 2015 of Casanova di Neri, led by Giacomo Neri, a real reference point of Brunello di Montalcino in the world, and that, in 2006, with the same wine - Brunello di Montalcino “Tenuta Nuova” 2001 - reached the top of the “Top 100” of the cult US magazine “Wine Spectator”, at position no. 7, Vietti’s Barolo Ravera 2016, at position no. 8, and Gaja’s Barbaresco 2016, at position no. 10: here is the Italian wines at the top of the “Top 100 Wines of 2020” of the International Wine Report, based on quality, price and market availability. In all, the Italian labels in the ranking are 12, with Brunello di Montalcino and Barolo paired at 3, on the wings of two vintages, respectively 2015 and 2016, able to conquer the palates of critics and wine lovers.
The podium, however, is all-American, with OO Wines’ Willamette Valley Freya Herman Cuvée 2018 in first place, Favia’s Napa Valley Oakville 2017 in second place and Tor’s Cabernet Sauvignon, Beckstoffer To Kalon Pure Magic 2018 in third place. Scrolling down the ranking, then, at position no. 14 there is Le Pergole Torte 2016 by Montevertine, followed at no. 19 by Sassicaia 2017 by Tenuta San Guido.
It is necessary, then, to scroll the ranking up to position no. 41 to find another Italian wine, Ciacci Piccolomini d’Aragona’s Brunello di Montalcino Pianrosso 2015, at no. 44 there is Tenuta di Trinoro’s Tenuta di Trinoro 2018, with Fuligni’s Brunello di Montalcino 2015 at position no. 52. Moving on to Sicily, on the slopes of Mount Etna, at position no. 69, there is Frank Cornelissen’s Munjebel MC 2017. Then back to Piedmont, Azelia’s Barolo San Rocco 2016 at position no. 71 and Paolo Scavino’s Barolo Bric del Fiasc 2016 at position no. 72. Closing the Italian contingent, I Sodi di San Niccolò 2015 from Castellare di Castellina, at position no. 89.
Focus - Italy in “The Top 100 Wines” by International Wine Report
7 - Brunello di Montalcino Tenuta Nuova 2015 di Casanova di Neri
8 - Barolo Ravera 2016 di Vietti
10 - Barbaresco 2016 di Gaja
14 - Le Pergole Torte 2016 di Montevertine
19 - Sassicaia 2017 di Tenuta San Guido
41 - Brunello di Montalcino Pianrosso 2015 di Ciacci Piccolomini d’Aragona
44 - Tenuta di Trinoro 2018 dei Tenuta di Trinoro
52 - Brunello di Montalcino 2015 di Fuligni
69 - Munjebel MC 2017 di Frank Cornelissen
71 - Barolo San Rocco 2016 di Azelia
72 - Barolo Bric del Fiasc 2016 di Paolo Scavino
89 - I Sodi di San Niccolò 2015 del Castellare di Castellina
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