Caviro, Italy’s leading group in terms of market share in the wine sector (with brands such as Tavernello, Castellino but also Leonardo da Vinci, Cesari, Romio and others) with 11,000 winemaking members and 37. 200 hectares of vineyards and producer of 8% of all Italian grapes, as stated on the group’s website, closed the 2022-2023 fiscal year with consolidated sales of 423 million euros, slightly up on the previous year and with stable financial ratios (Ebitda at 33.2 million euros, NFP at 74.3 million euros). To approve the financial statements the shareholders’ meeting, held in Faenza, renewed the board of directors with the entry of four new directors, and reconfirmed Carlo Dalmonte, who has been at the top of the Group since 2012, as chairman.
“In thanking the assembly for their trust”, comments Chairman Carlo Dalmonte, “I want to emphasize the important work done by the board of directors in recent years and the contribution of outgoing directors Maurizio Baldisserri, Raffaele Drei, Francesco Labbrozzi and Gianfranco Ravaglia. We welcome new directors Giuseppe Alfino, Alberto Guerra, Alessandro Neri and Roberto Savini to the Group. Despite the extraordinary events experienced in the past year, I refer to the fire that involved the Faenza site and the severe flooding that affected the area, the Group has achieved positive results and confirmed its solidity”.
The results for fiscal year 2022-2023 were driven by the good performance of Caviro Extra, the company, based in Faenza, that concretizes the Group’s circular economy, a note explains, and by exports, which accounted for €143 million in sales (up 16% on the previous year), of which more than €103 million came from the wine sector. The growth in exports was driven mainly by the effects recorded in the Uk market.
Investments made on the sustainability front, supporting the circular economy model, confirm the Group’s propensity for innovation with the grounding of projects linked to development contracts, including technical investments on the new automated warehouse at the Forlì Winery and the start of a profound post-fire redefinition phase at the Faenza site, where Caviro Extra obtains noble products, energy and fertilizers from winemaking by-products. Despite the extraordinary year, Caviro Extra confirmed the good performance of the last three years, validating the strong market interest in products made by Caviro’s circular economy and sustaining the Group in a complex period from a macro-economic point of view.
“Confidence and determination are needed to deal with a very complex national context, linked to exogenous market factors such as inflation, declining consumption and reduced production with peaks of more than 50% in some regions of our supply chain”, Dalmonte added, “the outlook will be even more complex with reverberating effects on the new financial year. But the Group is committed to facing the challenges that the year has presented us with putting as always in first place the enhancement of the work of its members. The organizational reorganization marks a change of pace and the beginning of a new chapter with a new direction and all management committed to countering the effects of a negative trend”. The reference is to the new general management, fully operational as of September 1, 2023, entrusted to Fabio Baldazzi, Giampaolo Bassetti and Valentino Tonini: “the Group’s approach to 2024 will be one of utmost prudence and with a focus on cost containment and maximum valorization of the products of all production units, also in terms of selling price, on the market”, Dalmonte concludes.
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