Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Christmas green, 15% of the tops that will pop under the holidays are zero impact on the environment

The Vinventions estimate reveals the sustainable side of the Italian wine world, increasingly attentive to the health of the Planet
sustainable tops, VINVENTIONS, News
15% of the tops that will pop for the Holidays will be zero impact

According to estimates, 81 million bottles will be opened during the festivities, only if we consider the bubbles, we can imagine how many tops will pop, and how much this may impact on the health of the environment. It was Vinventions, leader in the market of alternative tops, which estimates that 15% of the bottles that will be opened by Italians will be green, because they will be closed with zero impact tops and sugar cane derivatives, just to give an example. More and more, in fact, Italian wineries are choosing the path of sustainability for their production, from the great reds to the whites, protagonists of the Eve, involving also tops, alternative to cork, that however ensure a wine without cork defects and with an optimal management of oxygen. “Our mission is to protect the quality of Italian wines,” explained Filippo Peroni, Commercial Director Vinventions Italia e Sud Europa, “also guaranteeing the maximum effort on environmental sustainability. The objective of Vinventions is to contribute concretely to the achievement of the sustainable objectives of the United Nations Agenda 2030. With our Green line tops we give producers the opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of their production. We help wine and help the environment, even during the festivities”.

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