People, places, actions that revolve around the wine, the vineyard, the vine, the bunch: these are the subjects that animate the shots from every corner of the world, all beautiful, that tell a year of work in the vineyard and in the cellar, all competing for the “Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year” 2020, the category dedicated to wine of the “Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year”, born in 2011 with the aim of showing the extraordinary simplicity of the food and wine world, how it is lived in the world, with its diversity. And in the category specifically dedicated to the wine world, in the “People” section David Weimann, with his “Meike and Dorte Nakel” (Germany) took first place, followed on the podium by Joh Carey with “Michael, the Wine Man in the Pie Room” (UK) and the Italian Marina Spironetti with the evocative “Time to meditate”. In the “Places” category, it was the American photographer Thomas Hyland who took the top step of the podium, with “A Langhe Winter”, behind Jon Wyand with “Late Afternoon in March, Vallée des Vaux Cote Chalonnaise” (UK), and LM Archer with “Patrimoine” (USA). Last but not least, the “Produce” category, which saw Patrick Desgraupes and his “Clos Saint Patrice Sample” (France) triumph, but also Matt Wilson “Wine Thief Delicacy” (Chile) in second place, and Andrew Barrow “Wine and Cheese” (UK) in third.
The categories are many, and explore every area of the wine & food world, from “Food Celebration” to “Food for Sale”, from “Food in the Field” to “Food for the Family”, from “Food Stylist Award” to “Intercontinental Food at the Table”.
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