Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Gambero Rosso & Class

The majority share of the most important wine & food publishing group, now belongs to Class Editori

Gambero Rosso, Italy’s most important wine & food publishing group, has a new owner: the majority share of the property now belongs to Class Editori, the publishing group founded and led by journalist Paolo Panerai, which also has Domini di Castellare, a group of wineries that has often been awarded by the “Guida Vini d’Italia” guide of Gambero Rosso itself. As reported by Italian financial daily Milano Finanza, Class will obtain 67.48% of the shares of Gambero Rosso, and in turn will give Cuccia’s firm 27.96% of its own shares, making it one of the main shareholders of the Class group. The merger’s objective, as stated by the groups themselves, is to create a single multimedia group with strong expertise in finance, events and in the very best of “made in Italy” products.

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