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How much is Italian cuisine worth in the world? 209 billion euros,says Alma-Deloitte

Global food catering has reached 2.210 billion euros in 2016. Italy is the second market share after Chinese cuisine
How much is Italian cuisine worth in the world? 209 billion euros,says Alma-Deloitte

How much is Italian cuisine worth in the world? 209 billion euros in turnover, of which 60 in China and 56 in the US, a market share of 13%, and a higher penetration by number of transactions in the US (15%), the UK (15%) , Brazil (13%) and India (13%). These are the results of the Deloitte study for the International School of Italian Cuisine Alma, according to which the world food market has reached a value of 2.210 billion euros in 2016. The Asia-Pacific area covers 46% of the total, and drives growth (+ 5.6% in 2011-2016) together with North America (+ 4%), while Europe is stable (+ 0.4%). Among the various channels, the Full-Service Restaurant (restaurants that have more or less formal service at the table, where the top 10 countries are worth 90% of the market and Italy is number 5 at a 4% share and 42 billion euros ), weighs for 52%, but Street Food and Quick Service Restaurants are growing.

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