How much is Italian cuisine worth in the world? 209 billion euros in turnover, of which 60 in China and 56 in the US, a market share of 13%, and a higher penetration by number of transactions in the US (15%), the UK (15%) , Brazil (13%) and India (13%). These are the results of the Deloitte study for the International School of Italian Cuisine Alma, according to which the world food market has reached a value of 2.210 billion euros in 2016. The Asia-Pacific area covers 46% of the total, and drives growth (+ 5.6% in 2011-2016) together with North America (+ 4%), while Europe is stable (+ 0.4%). Among the various channels, the Full-Service Restaurant (restaurants that have more or less formal service at the table, where the top 10 countries are worth 90% of the market and Italy is number 5 at a 4% share and 42 billion euros ), weighs for 52%, but Street Food and Quick Service Restaurants are growing.
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