Wine, with its prestige and added value, and with an increasingly pronounced propensity to export is, for some time now, the main product of Italian agribusiness. And it is not surprising, then, that among the agricultural lands of Italy, apart from rare exceptions such as the orchards and apple orchards of Alto Adige, it is the vineyards, in general, that are the most valuable, in terms of value. Starting with those of the most prestigious appellations and the most valuable wines on the market. And so, from the data updated to 2021 that emerges from the annual analysis on the “Land and Rental Market in Italy in 2021”, signed by Crea Politiche e Bioeconomia, the most highly valued vineyards remain those of Barolo Docg, which sprout prices in a range that starts from 200,000 euros, but goes up to 1.5 million euros. And which are also, by far, the most expensive farmland in Italy. Obviously, it must be said, these are average, statistical data, moreover, often lower than those that actually materialize at the time of buying and selling, especially in the wine “cru”, and that emerge from a wide panorama but, as with all studies, it is partial (missing, for example, the surveys on those of Valpolicella, among the great Italian wine areas, ed.) And, as Crea itself points out, “the land values reported referring to land and/or entire holdings for which significant buying and selling activity has been recorded”.
But confirmed the primacy, in value of the Barolo vineyards, on the podium, according to Crea data, follow those, very rare, of the Alto Adige Doc in the area of Lake Caldaro, between 440,000 and 800,000 euros per hectare, and those Docg in the hills of Montalcino, the land of Brunello, included in a range between 250,000 and 700,000 euros per hectare. At the foot of the podium, again, are those Docg of Valdobbiadene, the cradle (along with Conegliano) of Prosecco Docg, which move in a range between 300,000 and 600,000 euros, while those north of Trento (notably dedicated to Trentodoc, but not only), have prices between 220,000 and 500,000 euros, the maximum quota, according to Crea, still reached by the Alto Adige Doc, in the lower Val Venosta and Valle Isarco. which start, however, from 300,000 euros. They are followed, again, by the vineyards of the Bolgheri Doc (one of the fittest appellations of the moment), whose estimates range from 240,000 to 480,000 euros, and then by the vineyards of another appellation that is on the rise rapidly, especially thanks to its version of Prosecco, namely the Asolo Docg, whose hillside vineyards range between 250,000 and 350,000 euros, ahead, in value, of the Doc vineyards of the Collina Bresciana, between 125,000 and 250,000 euros.
Still, with maximum quotations exceeding 100,000 euros, there are the Chianti Classico vineyards on the Florentine side, between 110 and 160,000 euros (while those in the Siena area are estimated at between 90,000 and 150,000 euros, ed.), and from those Doc vineyards in Chambave, in Val d’Aosta, which are very few, and have estimated values between 100,000 and 150,000 euros. Maximum values of 150,000 euros are also reached by the lowland vineyards in the lower Piave Valley, while they reach 140,000 for those in Pantelleria, 110,000 for those Doc in the valley bottom of Valtellina, and 100,000 for those Doc in the Castelli Romani.
Important values, which confirm once again how the vineyards of Italy’s most important wine-producing areas are not only a source of excellence and a guardian of the beauty of the territory, but also land and investment assets of the highest order.
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