Despite the blow of the pandemic, Chianti continues to record positive results: as of April 30, 2021, sales increased 11% (over the same period last year). And the positive result remains even when comparing the data with the pre-Covid period: compared to the first four months of 2019, from January to April 2021, Chianti recorded +9%, as told by the Consortium, led by Giovanni Busi from “Chianti Lovers – Anteprima 2021- Press Edition”, the Anteprima of the largest denomination in Tuscany, staged at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence together with Morellino di Scansano, exclusively reserved for the media in the frame of the week of big “Anteprime” of Tuscany, revisited in the modalities and period (usually in February), obviously due the Covid.
“These data are excellent news for our Consortium – comments the president Giovanni Busi – they tell us that despite the pandemic, consumers continue to love this product that tells of our Tuscany and Italy. It is a result that also gives us hope for the future. The main goal now is to start again as soon as possible with the international fairs in presence, because the contact with our customers is fundamental to accelerate even more the growth. “ From this point of view – concludes Busi – the next few months will be crucial for companies that will have to be more present on the markets with greater economic efforts than in the past. The Consortium, therefore, will have to do its best to support them and find all the useful solutions to promote the denomination and its companies”.
From “Chianti Lovers”, also the Tuscan Regional Councillor for Agriculture, Stefania Saccardi, focused on the importance of “these events, which are the sign of a world that wants to restart and of a great attention from buyers and companies. A demostration of vitality, quality, trust and hope for the future. As Regione Toscana, we are planning to increase resources on the promotion of our agri-food Consortia of our territory to be able to restart even faster. Tuscany has all the conditions, qualities and level products to be able to attract international markets, thanks to the reopening of tourism, wine tourism and catering”.
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