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Italy united toward “High-level Group for wine sector by Eu”. Openness on explants

Today, the meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture with the supply chain, in view of the meeting of December 16. The comment by Unione Italiana Vini
Italy united toward “High-level Group for wine sector by Eu”. Openness on explants

About the value of wine industry, and the actions to be taken to protect it, at an economic level, but also at a productive and cultural ones, mainly looking at the challenge of “climate change”, the Italian position shared by institutions and by the supply chain, is in line with what emerged at a European level; referring to the theme of explants of vineyards, the line remains that of not seeing in this tool the royal road to rebalance the market, but with an openess which doesn’t lead to its total preclusion, in the case some Italian wine territories claim a request to this effect in the next future, maybe to be funded in a way to be evaluated yet, with national funds, or with economies or unused funds by other measures of Ocm Vino, for example; the promise, that, in a very short time, the supply chain will be called again at the Ministry of Agriculture for a debate at a technical level about the decree which will institutionalize also in Italy, as requested by many, and for a long time, the production of no-alcohol wine: this is what emerged, in short, by the meeting about “High-level Group for wine sector by Eu”, as WineNews learns, with the associations of the supply chain at the table of the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida, in view of the next European meeting set for December, 16 (as reported here https://winenews.it/en/focus-high-level-group-for-wine-sector-by-eu-prevention-of-climate-effects-and-insurance-policies_542355/)
“Yes for explants, but with shared criteria to safeguard the socioeconomic and landscape-environmental resilience. And with funds supported by Member States, and not to European fund for strategic investments (Efsi). More flexibility in funds for the promotion, and a better regulatory definition for new wines (no-alcohol wines) to ease their commercialization, and simplifications on digital labeling are requested. The “recommendations” inserted in the draft document of high-level group for wine sector by Eu about the future of wine in Eu go largely to the desired direction and supported by Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv)”, comments a note of the organization guided by Lamberto Frescobaldi.It adds, how “with regard to explants, according to the draft document, the high-level group for wine sector by Eu recommends to cope with structural oversupply situations with national funds, even with distinctions of times supported by Uiv, and connected with “high-value landscape vineyards, such as slopes, terraces, varieties with a genetic value, or in areas with an environmental value, or where viticulture is central, and are at risk of depopulation”. A position that, according to Uiv, would preserve the “package” of specific funds destined to “active measures”, such as the promotion that the industry needs to cope with the challenge to consumption changes, and to the uncertainties of the market. According to Uiv, it is fundamental that the document keeps the focus on industry competitiveness, that some flexibilities about the management of the potential, and of the authorizations and that, as proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, the possibility for countries to save the economies of Efsi funds is introduced for the first time, which could then be reinvested in the sector. Amongst the themes, also that of the simplification with regard to Ocm Promozione, with the positive recommendation to increase the duration of the support to the promotion measures to allow market stabilization”.

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