Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Liv-Ex, Tuscany triumphs at Christmas, thanks to Argiano, Sassicaia and Masseto

The “magic moment” continues for Argiano’s 2018 Brunello di Montalcino, No. 1 for “Wine Specator”, which leads the ranking of “most traded” wines
Liv-Ex, Tuscany triumphs at Christmas, thanks to Argiano, Sassicaia and Masseto

Hoping for a December that certainly will not be able to bring the abysmal 2023 performance into the positive but, at least, reverse the downward trend, the Liv-Ex’s year-end, at least in the week leading up to Christmas, saw several big Italian, and Tuscan in particular, names among the big co-stars.
In fact, according to a recent focus of the secondary market reference platform, if Bordeaux, which remains the leader as a Region by market share, decreased from 41.3% to 38%, despite the good performance of Carruades de Lafite 2021 and Château Lafite Rothschild 2014, just as Burgundy, Champagne and Piedmont lost a few points, those who grew, in addition to territories and countries such as Rhône and the United States, it was above all Tuscany, which rose 7.2% to 13.2%, thanks mainly to trade activities that involved, once again, Argian’'s Brunello di Montalcino 2018, which continues to capitalize on the “Wine of the Year” title won in “Wine Spectator’s Top 100”, and two great classics of the collector market, such as Tenuta San Guido’s Sassicaia 2016 and Frescobaldi’s Masseto 2020.
Argiano’s 2018 Brunello di Montalcino is among the five wines, in particular, that have moved the most value (with the price reaching £530 per case of 12 bottles between December 15 and 21, after peaking at £616, ed.), and also among the most traded in volume (along with another Brunello di Montalcino, Frescobaldi’s 2016 Castelgiocondo, ed.).

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