144.1 million euros for restructuring and reconversion of vineyards, 98 million euros for promotion on foreign country markets, 57.6 million euros for investments, 19.2 million euros for by-product distillation and 4.8 million euros for green harvesting: this is the allocation of the 323.8 million euros of European funds available to Italy, according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s decree on the Allocation of the financial envelope for the 2024/2025 campaign for the National Support Program for the wine sector. Of which 275.2 will be distributed among the regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, and the rest managed at the national level by the Ministry. Sicily holds the record for resources, with 52.4 million euros (including 33 million euros for restructuring and conversion of vineyards, 10 million euros for investments and 8 million euros for promotion), ahead of Veneto, with 37.3 million euros, and Puglia, with 29.2 million euros.
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