Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Tenute Orestiadi reinforces the beautiful link between Gibellina and contemporary art

Opificio Gibellina project transforms wines born from the vineyards around Burri’s Cretto into works with artists from Brera Academy of Fine Arts

One of the largest and most revolutionary works of land art in the world, a symbol of the rebirth of the Belìce Valley community after the devastation of the 1968 earthquake, the “Grande Cretto” by Alberto Burri, one of the most important artists of the 20th century, is also dedicated to Gibellina as a wine thanks to the Tenute Orestiadi.
A beautiful bond the one between the Sicilian city and contemporary art is once again strengthened thanks to the Tenute with the birth of Opificio Gibellina, a new project that transforms five bottles of limited-edition Sicilia Doc Riserva red wines, whose grapes are grown near the Cretto, into works of art with auteur labels signed by Stefano Pizzi, Gaetano Grillo, Nicola Salvatore, Pietro Coletta and Enzo Esposito, five artists from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts.

The new project combining wine and art by Tenute Orestiadi - with the direction of Stefano Pizzi, head of external relations at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, and presented in recent days by Rosario Di Maria, CEO of the Tenute and president of Cantine Ermes, and the artists, in the hub of Identità Golose in Milan - promotes development and corporate social responsibility purposes. Representing the territory of Gibellina, in fact, a place of national and international relevance for contemporary art, through the creativity of the bottle labels is the goal of Opificio Gibellina, which wants to affirm the centrality of the territory of the town destroyed by the Belìce earthquake, not only as an experience of artistic and cultural production, but as a place in which to live and experience a model of historical resilience, urban and socio-economic rebirth. A process of reconstruction in which agriculture, particularly vine cultivation and wine production, marked Gibellina’s bet on its future, under the banner of continuous renewal.
A profound testimony, that of Opificio Gibellina, on the potential of the Belizean city as a central destination for contemporary art, in which to be able to discover its largest deposit ever made in Italy, among works both exhibited outside and kept at the two major local cultural institutions: the Fondazione Orestiadi and the Mac, Museum of Contemporary Art.
The five bottles, each with a distinctive Opificio Gibellina artwork, will be auctioned at a major event in Palermo in early 2024 (with date to be determined, ed.). The proceeds, will be donated to an organization with a strong ethical and social commitment. An initiative that thus aims to represent the fusion of excellence in contemporary art, enology and social commitment.

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