Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Wine and art a winning combination. Even in wine auctions from Pandolfini to Christie’s

Focus on “I Sodi di S. Niccolò - Edition 40 harvests” by Castellare di Castellina, the art book dedicated to the 40 Supertuscan wines
“I Sodi di S. Niccolò”, unpublished editions in large formats and an art book

Wine and art come together in many ways. The nectar of Bacchus promotes exhibitions and cultural events, or works of art celebrate a wine project, a company or a label. But there is more. Like the story of “I Sodi di S. Niccolò”, the flagship label of Castellare di Castellina and one of the most famous Italian wines all over the world. A special lot, consisting of a 15- liter bottle of “I Sodi di S. Niccolò - Edition 40 harvests”, vintage 2017, together with an art book, raised the considerable sum of 4.800 euros. And now they are preparing to do a repeat performance on the International level offering an even more particular lot at Christie’s auction, to be held on December 2nd and 3rd. The famous Supertuscan will be two lots with new formats, a 15 liter (starting price between 1.400 and the 1.600 Sterling pounds) and 18 liters (starting from 1.600-2.000 Sterling pounds), accompanied by a prestigious book of the illustrations of 40 birds reproduced on the labels of the first 40 vintages, designed by the ornithologist/artist, John Gould (1804-1881). “The outcome of this important auction dedicated to collectible formats”, explained Paolo Panerai, journalist, publisher and president of Castellare di Castellina, referring to the Pandolfini auction and looking to Christie's, “will confirm that the world of fine wines & spirits is continuing to attract investors and collectors, but above all that Italian wines are winning more and more the interest of wine lovers and those who consider them a safe haven for excellent profits to be made over time”.

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