Wine, art and charity have joined forces once again to respond to the plea of TYME, “Thank You Mother Etna”. The charity auction, organized by the Sicilian brand Cusumano, in collaboration with Christie’s held on November 21st in the Salone dei Tessuti in Milan, raised 61.000 euros, which will go to Dynamo Camp. The event auctioned 9 works on paper created by the artist from Taranto, Paolo Troilo, in the summer of 2018 on Etna, and 10 Magnums of Alta Mora wine from a vineyard in the Centenary Nerello Mascalese, which Troilo painted with his hands (the artist does not use brushes). The amount collected, as we mentioned above, will be used to finance initiatives promoted by the Dynamo Camp Association. One of these will be purchasing a trekking wheelchair that will allow young people to participate in recreational activities in Nature at the Dynamo Oasis. The motivation for this decision came when the wine producer Diego Cusumano met a child who watched helplessly as his schoolmates climbed to the top of Etna - without a wheelchair specifically designed for trekking, he would not be able to visit places on such bumpy roads. To further support the project, besides the nine paintings and ten Alta Mora Magnums auctioned, a series of limited-edition, numbered, collector’s bottles with fine-art printed labels, reproducing the nine works painted by Paolo Troilo on Etna, have also been sold and are still for sale on the TYME website.
“Thank You Mother Nature is the thanks Cusumano gives to Nature that in turn, in the vineyard and through the hard work of the winemakers, gives back unique and extraordinary fruits like wine. Wine is the blood of the earth, it is the mystery of life that springs from its depths”, says Diego Cusumano, “and here on Etna it achieves spectacular and powerful results. And, its amazing power is confirmed by the extraordinary change the volcano has wrought in the artistic path of Paolo Troilo: the transition from black and white to color”. “You cannot even imagine it” are the words Diego Cusumano uttered to describe the magnificence of Etna to Paolo Troilo, thereby triggering and sparking the artistic desire of the painter from Taranto. “I am a painter that focuses on the visions of intimate emotions. Opening to an enormous and defiant place was a new shock to me. TYME was created from sharing an intimate and profound love for a daughter of nature who then becomes a mother”, explained Paolo Troilo, “a mother of precious fruits like red wine, green underbrush and white birch trees squeezed on to paper and canvas”.
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