Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Wine for redemption in the Rebibbia Women’s Prison: 23 inmates become sommeliers

The Diplomas in the Professional Qualification Course delivered by the Italian Sommelier Foundation. Which is ready to go on also in the Male Prison
The inmates of the Rebibbia prison become sommeliers

They learned the techniques of tasting, sensory analysis, the geography of places and vineyards, the sense of a different production from the North to the South of the world, and understood the diversity that wine also offers from an emotional point of view. And they did it behind bars, to redeem themselves. These are the 23 inmates of the Rebibbia Women’s Prison in Rome who, on April 14, in a solemn and special handover ceremony, will receive the diploma of the Professional Qualification Course for Sommeliers by the Italian Sommelier Foundation (Fis). Which, in a few days, is also ready to start for 34 inmates of the Male Prison.
“This, in the education context, is a commitment that the Italian Sommelier Foundation has always taken on so that it helps our country to grow, but perhaps we should say to engender, an adequate culture for wine, for oil, for agricultural products. The experience in the prison is a very important experience, full of emotions, both for the teachers of the Italian Sommelier Foundation (Fis) and for the ladies who have followed the course with unique attention”, underlines president Franco Maria Ricci who will deliver the diplomas, together with Albano Carrisi, who will sing for the new sommeliers, Paola Severino, former Minister of Justice, today president of the Severino Foundation engaged in the Italian Penal Institutes, Carmelo Cantone, Superintendent of the Penalty Houses of five Italian regions, and the director of the prison Alessia Rampazzi. Once the sentence is finished, thanks to the diploma, the new sommeliers were offered a job in Italian catering. “In an Italy that is confirmed as the biggest wine country in the world, we believe we have offered not only a great opportunity, but above all a wonderful hope of life”, concludes Franco Maria Ricci.

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