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Wine, “moderation” is the mantra for 86% of Americans. But in winter they tend to drink more

Increasingly important is quality, according to a Coravin survey. Rosé (21%) stands out among the preferred types, followed by Moscato and Chardonnay
Americans prefer to drink less, but focus on quality (ph: Pexels)

For Americans, among the New Year’s resolutions is moderation in wine consumption: according to a Coravin (a leading preservation systems company) survey, 86% of respondents are very careful about the amount of alcohol they drink. But the survey (conducted by market research firm OnePoll of 2,000 U.S. wine drinkers, age 21 and older), shows that while the majority focus on reducing consumption, the months ahead pose a potential challenge for 34%, who say they drink more wine in winter, despite the “Dry January” trend. Influencing the increased consumption are rainy weather (19%) and bad mood (31%). Most survey respondents say they have reached the age of moderation at 29, and also report becoming more discerning in their wine consumption, with 41% saying that quality is more important than quantity. In the ranking of Americans' favorite types of wine, rosé (21%) stands out, followed by Moscato (20%), Chardonnay (12%), Merlot (8%), Cabernet Sauvignon (8%), Sauvignon Blanc (5%), Pinot Noir (5%), Zinfandel (4%), Pinot Grigio (4%) and Riesling (4%).
“It’s famous the adage, “everything in moderation”. And the survey shows just that: Americans are focused on cutting back, without going to extremes”, said Greg Lambrecht, founder and inventor of Coravin. “With a new year ahead of us, it is important to remember that moderation is key, while still being able to indulge from time to time. Of those surveyed, nearly half (45%) have a favorite bottle, which is used only for special occasions. The top three reasons include that it is a favorite (50%), it is expensive (47%) or it is a gift (41%). Respondents are more likely to open that bottle and share it with a friend (51%), their mother (30%) or a sibling (28%). More than half (57%) of respondents said they have a favorite wine for certain seasons, while 66% would like more variety in their wine preferences”.
Coravin’s conservation technology offers a solution for those who seek to enjoy their favorite bottles of wine at their own pace, without the fear of waste. “Adding variety does not necessarily mean spending a fortune”, said Lambrecht. “We put care into wine storage for those who want to enjoy their bottle at longer intervals, without having to worry about waste. With the ability to keep the bottle of wine fresh for a long time, people can try new types and flavors”.

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