Wine consumers are very different from each other, in all markets, whether big or small. Some people drink because it’s their passion, some because a good bottle of wine is still a status symbol, some just for the pleasure, and so on. The variety of motivations and ways to approach wine are more evident in a huge and young market like China, which the UK Wine Intelligence agency has endeavored to decode in its "China Portraits 2017", interviewing 2000 Chinese consumers of imported wine.
The most frequent profile, which represents 26% of consumers, is the so-called "Social Newbies", which is the youngest, and for whom wine is in fact a novelty, which they are only just beginning to know and they consider more a "social drink".
Then, at 22%, the "Developing Drinkers", consumers who are developing more and more conscious consumption, simply because they like the wine they like. And they are showing a growing interest in the nectar of Bacchus, which is becoming more and more important in their daily lives.
At 18%, there are the "Health Sippers", consumers who have a fairly well defined, price-sensitive repertoire, and who occasionally drink wine for its health benefits.
In a Chinese market that is looking more and more towards Western habits, the "Prestige-seeking Traditionalists" are 16% of the total, consumers who drink often, able to spend easily, looking mostly at French wines and in general, imported wines because it is considered prestigious for their social status.
And finally, there are two categories that each represents 9% of Chinese consumers. There are the "Frugal Occasionals", not really interested in drinking wine, especially imported, and who have a limited knowledge of the matter.
And, there are the "Adventurous Connoisseurs", regular wine drinkers, that have great spending power and greater knowledge of wine, which they enjoy consuming from a wide variety of countries, territories, vines and brands.
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