Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Verdicchio: 50 years, exports + 50% in 10 years

The director of IMTV, Alberto Mazzoni: “Companies participating in promotion projects increased 165% and exports have grown almost 50%”
Lo stato dell’arte del Verdicchio (Credit: Umani Ronchi/FrancescoVignali)

“Within the last 10 years the quota of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi production has tripled the average area of hectares planted by the company, renewed over 1/4 of the vineyards, and bottling outside the area has fallen 75%. Companies participating in promotion projects increased 165% and exports have grown almost 50%. These choices are paying off on quality level affirmation but now we need to work more on value, commercial and marketing aspects, in Italy as well as abroad”, explained the director of IMTV-Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela Vini, Alberto Mazzoni, about the 50 years of DOC (18 million bottles, half are exported, 2.190 hectares of cultivated land and 493 companies). “Our still white wine has been the most awarded by Italian guides in the last four years yet we have not succeeded in fully asserting our real value on the markets”.

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