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Knight Frank: profitability of fine wines in 2018 at +9%, leads Burgundy, Piedmont well

More than a piece of news, it is a confirmation, based on auction records and on many territories on the launch pad, such as Rioja and California
Knight Frank: profitability at the end of 2018 wines at +9%, leads Burgundy, Piedmont well

More than a piece of news, it is a confirmation: wine, with a strong 2018 in which every record in terms of valuations and auctions collapsed, with the two most striking cases related to Romanée-Conti, with two bottles of 1945 beaten for 496,000 and 558,000 dollars at Sotheby’s, in New York, and a collection of over 1.360 bottles, even with large formats, sold for 11.6 million dollars in Switzerland, by Baghera Wines, according to analysts of the agency specialized in luxury and real estate investments Knight Frank, is in perspective still one of the best investments.
The Wealth Report 2018 signed by Knight Frank (which we have analyzed here, ed.) underlined how in 2017 wine was the second most profitable sector to invest in, with a revaluation of 11%, second only to art (21%), but still above average. The result emerging from the “Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index”, updated to the fourth quarter of 2018, is slightly different, revealing that wine has still grown, but “only” by 9%, especially thanks to the “Rs” of Burgundy, those of Raveneau, Romanée-Conti, Roumier and Rousseau, which have pushed the revaluation of wines in the region to +33%.
The outlook for Piedmont is also positive, considered, like Burgundy, one of the most precious and prestigious wine territories in the world, with California, perhaps less “desirable”, but it still showed a growth of 17.5%, while Rioja, often in the background or third floor, could be the revelation of this 2019. Whiskey is better than wine: the prices of the rarest bottles, analyzed by “The Knight Frank Rare Whisky 100 Index” have reached +40%, driven by the record of The Macallan 1926 with the hand-painted label by Michael Dillon, beaten by Christie’s at 1.5 million dollars.

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