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Chefs like modern “Raffaello”, restaurants like “Renaissance shops”: Massimo Bottura speaks

At WineNews: “today people from all over the world come to the discovery of Italian territories, by focusing on art and great cuisine”
Massimo Bottura, chef no. 1 in the world

The great cuisine such as the works of art, the great restaurants of Italy such as Piazza San Marco, the Colosseum or the Duomo of Florence, contemporary chefs such as modern Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo, their kitchens as “Renaissance shops” of the 21st century, where culture is produced, recovering the history of the past, the “gesture” of the cuisine of the past, and at the same time innovating it, deepening the knowledge of the raw material, creating value chains on the territory, but also dialoguing with the world, with the mind open to virtuous contamination, technique and taste. This is, in a nutshell, the vision of Italian cuisine and cooks today, told to WineNews, from No. 1 to the world, Massimo Bottura, owner of the Osteria Francescana in Modena, which, among the various awards “sector” in the archive, also boasts the presence among the “The 100 Most Influential of 2019” of the historic American weekly “Time”, which every year puts in line the most influential personalities in the world. “Today people come to Italy from all over the world to discover our territories, and they do it especially through works of art, monuments and our cuisine - Bottura said - and our kitchens are like “Renaissance shops”, where in addition to creating dishes, recovering the tradition by innovating it, and looking to the future, the raw material is studied, rediscovered and enhanced, creating value also for the territories, farmers and producers”. A virtuous circle, from which passes a piece of the future, or rather of “Renaissance”, of the whole country.

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