Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Italian cuisine in the world, passion without boundaries: second Michelin star at Da Vittorio St. Moritz

The six-star restaurant of the Cerea universe, the only two Michelin-starred restaurant in Switzerland, it's the destination of the Italian dolce vita

For some time now, the greatest Italian chefs have crossed national borders, conquering international palates and broadening their horizons in the kitchen, spreading the true Italian food and wine culture, and - perhaps this is the secret - that of hospitality, continuing to do so, despite increasing competitiveness and the need to keep up with the times of a lively world catering more than ever and always full of surprises. But the fact is that, even in these terms, our cuisine continues to reap success. A new confirmation comes from the edition of the Michelin Guide 2020 dedicated to Switzerland, with the conquest of the second Michelin star, after the first in 2014 and only two years after its opening, for the Da Vittorio St. Moritz. The restaurant, housed in the elegant setting of the Carlton Hotel under the guidance of chef Paolo Rota, who, right from the name, reveals its Italian origin, linked to one of the most important families that have made the history of Italian haute cuisine: the Cerea, starting with chefs Enrico and Roberto, who together with Francesco, a true director, carry on more than half a century of family heritage at Da Vittorio in Brusaporto, three Michelin stars and among the restaurants that represent the elite, practically from time immemorial, of our cuisine.
With 7 Italian restaurants among its 122 Michelin-starred addresses, and among which the Da Vittorio is the only two starred restaurants, Switzerland is a gourmet destination also for lovers of Italian haute cuisine, as there are also Ornellaia in the Swiss country, the name says a lot about the Italian roots linked to the historic Bolgheri Estate and its legendary wine, the Michelin star restaurant in Zurich with chef Giuseppe D'Errico, and the Capri, the restaurant of chef Giovanni Bavuso, 1 Michelin star, in the luxurious hotel Mont Cervin Palace, in Zermatt, famous ski destination at the foot of the Matterhorn as St. John’s.St. Mortiz, and like this one, particularly rich in starred restaurants. But so is Geneva, and here, again with 1 Michelin star, there is Tosca, with chef Saverio Sbaragli on the stove, La Bottega by chef Fernando Tommaso Forino, and Il Lago of the Four Seasons Hotel Des Bergues where Massimiliano Sena is in the kitchen. Osteria 3, by chef Flavio Fermi, 1 Michelin star, concludes the journey into Italian cuisine beyond the Alps, in Bubendorf.
A universe of fine dining and haute hôtellerie that of the Cerea family, which with the three stars of Brusaporto, the two in St. Moritz and the three stars of the city. The three stars at Brusaporto, the two in St. Moritz won by Chef Rota, flanked by Maître Giulio Bernardi and sommelier Giorgio Spartà, and that of Da Vittorio Shanghai, awarded in September 2019, just three months after its inauguration, now has six Michelin stars, and which is versatile, solid, and is able to adapt according to the location, needs and taste of the clientele, with an outdoor restaurant that is able to cater to all tastes, from Bergamo to Los Angeles, brings the Italian gastronomic pret-à-porter around the world, next to Da Vittorio Relais & Chateaux and Cantalupa, and Il Caffè - Pasticceria Cavour 1880, in Bergamo Alta, among the Historical Pubs of Italy, to which Terrazza Gallia in Milan is added, where Bobo and Chicco Cerea supervise the menu entrusted to the brothers Vincenzo and Antonio Lebano. The secret of success? It is the basis of our haute cuisine, exported across the border: the best seasonal raw materials, combined with creativity and originality in the creation of the dishes, and a great rigor and talent in execution, which sets a school in the world.

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