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Markets, buyers, Opera Wine, Assoenologi Congress: from November 21-24, it is “Wine2Wine”

Giovanni Mantovani, dg Veronafiere, at WineNews: “focus on the most important wine markets, starting from Italy, looking at the world”
The dg Veronafiere Giovanni Mantovani

Focus on the main Italian wine markets, “starting from that Italy that in the light of recent months should be watched with great attention, passing through the USA, Germany, China and beyond”, the confirmation of “Opera Wine”, with the 100 great Italian wine brands selected by “Wine Spectator”, “hoping, if the regulations will allow it, in the presence of the editors of the most important wine magazine in the USA”, a moment of contact with the public, “who will also have the opportunity to buy wine directly from the producer”, moments of confrontation and analysis, including “the Assoenologi Congress, thanks to the collaboration of President Riccardo Cotarella”, and, last but not least, hundreds of foreign buyers from the Shengen area, “who will thus return to meet directly with the producers, face to face, after a long time”: here, in the summary to WineNews by dg Veronafiere Giovanni Mantovani, the menu of “Wine2Wine Exhibition” by Vinitaly, an event that will once again bring together the world of Italian wine and the trade in Verona, from November 22 to 24 (with the preview of “Opera Wine” on November 21).
Three hundred selected international buyers are expected, in collaboration with Ice and coming from the Schengen area, 30 German and French operators from the demand for organic wines invited by VeronaFiere, as well as non-European buyers who can be present using the “green channel” announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, otherwise connected online (for live tastings from “Wine2Wine Exhibition”, in particular from the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, China and Singapore).
“In Asia we have restarted with Vinitaly Roadshow and we are experiencing strong attention from the world of wine - said Mantovani, dg Veronafiere - which wants to give a signal of a new start to the reference markets in a context certainly new and difficult. Wine2wine is a physical platform open to listening to the sector, and for this reason there will be no lack of further news”.
After the events on Saturday November 21, Sunday November 22, at the same time as “Wine2Wine Exhibition” on the only day open to the public, will be scheduled (in the Congress Centre) the Assoenologi assembly; on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November, the entrance, in the exhibition area and at “Wine2Wine Forum”, will be reserved exclusively to Italian and foreign trade operators.
The wine industry in the post-Covid-19 scenario will be the central theme of the “Wine2Wine Business Forum” (23-24 November), the two-day networking and in-depth analysis of the wine supply chain (it is edition n. 7). Also expected here dozens of speakers - online or offline - among the world’s leading experts in markets, marketing and new trends.
A schedule anticipated online by a series of international appointments: first of all, already on October 7, the event in streaming a focus on the USA with the founder of Colangelo & Partners, Gino Colangelo, one of the most important public relations realities in the wine sector in the States.

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