Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

UIV: in 2020 shipments of Italian wine better than France (-10.8%) and Spain (-3.2%)

Ismea and Unione Italiana Vini analysis: sparkling wines slow down (-6,9%), excellent performance of PGI (+1,2%)
Wine in the world in 2020

Italian wine exports held up in 2020, with Italy still recovering in the last quarter and reducing losses in value to -2.3%, for a total of 6.285 billion euros (as WineNews wrote in its analysis of Istat data for 2020). Much better than its main European competitors (France and Spain), which close the Covid year at -10.8% (to 8.7 billion euros) and -3.2%, respectively. These data allow Italy to regain the world leadership in exports by volume with over 20.8 million hectoliters (-2.4%) to the detriment of Spain. Thus the analysis of Ismea and Unione Italiana Vini (UIV) on ISTAT data of 2020 of Italian wine on foreign markets, which also underlines how sparkling wines have suffered in particular on the outlet markets, starting with the USA and UK, and show a contraction three times greater than the average: -6.9%, thanks to a significant drop in its average price. Bottled still wines fared much better (down 1.5%), with a value of 3.9 billion euros. Among branded products, DOP products lost 2.9%, confirming themselves as the most exported segment with over 4 billion euros and a particularly positive trend in Germany. Excellent performance of PGI (+1.2%), at 1.5 billion euros. Ordinary wines suffered the most (-5.3%).

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