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Napa says yes to the twinning with Montalcino, in the sign of wine and landscape

The collaboration and the exchange of visions and knowledge between two symbolic places of the worldwide enology is intensifying

Montalcino, land of Brunello and Italian territory among the most visited by wine lovers, and Napa, capital of Napa Valley, pillar of US wine and cradle of the phenomenon of wine tourism, are (almost) officially sister cities. A sisterhood under the sign of great wine and of the beauty of landscapes that unites two of the most important and prestigious territories of the worldwide enology. The process, officially started in March, seems to be at its end and while waiting for official communications from the Italian side, some news arrived in the last days from the US, as reported by the newspaper “Napa Valley Register”, during the visit in Napa of the Italian Consul in San Francisco, Loreno Ortona, received by the mayor of the Californian city, Scott Sedgley. Where the “yes” to twinning came from the Americans.
“The cities of Napa, California, and Montalcino, Italy”, states a press release, “are proud to formally announce a long-term sister city partnership between the two communities. The collaboration will strengthen the dialogue between the citizens of Napa and Montalcino to promote cooperation and exchange. Through the sister city partnership, Napa and Montalcino will look to foster relationships between their cities, their governments and people by promoting research on local traditions and exchanges between schools, as well as through planning the development of cultural activities and the exchange of best practices. Sister City relationships are recognized as being integral to reinforcing the Napa Valley’s leadership as a wine-producing region. The partnership will further global understanding by fostering technical, educational, economic and cultural exchanges on a long-term continuing basis. Napa and Montalcino will work to develop fruitful relationships among their respective people and communities and build partnerships that pattern the economic and geographic aspects of a world-class wine region”.
“Napa and Montalcino are both esteemed wine country destinations surrounded by natural beauty and offering farm-to-table restaurants, winery tasting rooms, and shops, all within walking distance, making the sisterhood is a natural fit ”, said Napa Mayor Scott Sedgley. “Italian-Americans were the first to discover the region’s potential for growing grapes and making wines in the mid-nineteenth century, and their spirit of collaboration still runs strong in our vines”, added Linsey Gallagher, at the helm of Visit Napa Valley. “Napa Valley’s tourism industry is delighted to be entering a sister city partnership with Montalcino and working with both the City of Napa and Montalcino can accelerate economic recovery through the power of travel in both regions”.
Once the ritual times have passed, the official announcement will arrive also from the Italian side. “For us - said the mayor of Montalcino Silvio Franceschelli - it is not a symbolic twinning, but an exchange of information and training that wants to focus on ours and their children and young people. With the formalization of this second twinning, after the one with Hautvillers, a small town that is the home of Champagne (with which the town hall of San Giovanni d'Asso has been twinned since 2014), we have united three world capitals of wine. A relationship that should not only be an exchange of conviviality but also opportunities for internships in companies. We will involve the Consorzio del Vino Brunello and all those who can contribute to developing these relationships of friendship. I believe there could be good opportunities in a world like the present one which is more and more connected”.

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