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“Building a new future: work”. This is the theme at the center of “Identità Milano 2021”

The appointment with the “Identità Golose” haute cuisine congress in Milan, from 25 to 27 September, with the big names in food from Italy and the world
Catering, cuisine, IDENTITÀ MILANO, WORK, News
“Building a new future: work”. This is the theme at the center of “Identità Milano 2021”

“The restaurant devasted by Covid, with losses of over 40 billion euros from 2020 to now, but also restaurant that has been able to reinvent itself to survive, and the one that has restarted and is restating again. To never stop, hopefully, even if the prospects are once again worrying, waiting to understand if and how the green pass will be introduced to go to the restaurant indoors. There are many themes that are linked to one fundamental: the theme of work, a topic that has become critical with the pandemic, between employment subsidies that worked little and badly, but also the lack of manpower and professionalism when things started again. And “Building a New Future: Work”, is the theme chosen for “Identità Milano 2021” the event of “Identità Golose”, on stage from 25 to 27 September, in the capital of Lombardy.
Because as stated in Article 1 of the Italian Constitution, “Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work”. And work is a real emergency, even in catering. “if we don’t solve this dramatic problem first, if we do not restore to women the professional dignity lost in the crisis, if young people are still lost in an economic limbo for a long time, it will be useless to talk about which cuisine we will have once out of the pandemic, if people will have more desire for innovation or tradition, for gourmet pizzas or margherita pizzas. For desserts or cakes to be cut into slices, for fish, meat or vegetables, for gourmet ice cream or classic flavours. And also what wine and what service, in the restaurant or in the hotel. Work first!” explain Paolo Marchi and Claudio Ceroni, founders of “Identità Golose”.

According to which, in the near future, even for catering, the priority will be “to be clear that the securities will concern, before any other aspect, quality of life and workplace safety, jobs and salaries that respect people’s dignity. Eating well so as not risk to getting sick, and in this sense doctors and nutritionists will become the best advisor for chefs, but also learn to live with the covid with intellingence and discipline to be able to work and give work because you don’t go far in time with the premises open to fits and starts and very few figures involved in the kitchen and wine cellar. And we hope it will also be the time for those who govern us to know how to reason in a sophisticated and articulated way, distinguishing the characteristics and needs of the different types of exercises, the time to rediscover in restaurants not only places where relationships can take place safely, but where talents, professionalism and excellence of the territory are cultivated and preserved. Inestimable goods that cannot be sacrificed on the altar of carelessness and incompetence ".
these are delicate but decisive issues, for the future which, between a cooking show and a debate, will be explored with the most important names in Italian and world food: from Cristina Bowerman to Errico Recanati, from Franco Pepe to Alain Ducasse, from Enrico Bartolini to Joe Bastianich, from Carlo Cracco to Andrea Berton, from Antonia Klugmann to Alfio Ghezzi, from Massimiliano Alajmo to Corrado Assenza, from Davide Oldani to Moreno Cedroni, from Pino Cuttaia to Gianfrano Pascucci, from Mattero Baronetto to Matias Perdomo, from Josep Roca to Riccardo Camanini, from Niko Romito to Massimo Bottura, from Enrico and Roberto Cerea to Mauro Uliassi, from Ciccio Sultano to Philippe Léveillé, from Isabella Potì to Simone Padoan, among others, passing through wine producers such as Dominga Cotarella (Cotarella family), Roberta Ceretto (Ceretto), Caterina Mastella Allegrini (Villa della Torre - Allegrini), Alberto Tasca (Tasca d’Almerita) and Lorenza Sebasti (Castello di Ama) who will turn focus on a theme repeatedly addressed by WineNews, that of high-level cuisine that grows in the most important wineries of the Belpaese. Passing through personalities of Italian culture such as Davide Rampello, director and artistic curator, and Gianmario Verona, Rector of Bocconi University, and managers such as Almir Ambeskovic, CEO of TheFork, to name a few.

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