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Record of Franciacorta: in the first half of 2021, sales up +12% on 2019 and the average price grows

Data from the Economic Observatory of the Franciacorta Consortium, led by Silvano Brescianini: “exciting results”
Record of Franciacorta in 2021: in the half of 2021, sales up +12% on 2019

Even though the exit from the pandemic is more difficult than expected, the italians what to toast again. The first half of 2021 of Franciacorta tells it, one of the most important territories of Italian sparkling wine, who has lived a semester of important recovery, with the sales that if they obviously outclassed the 2020 data, have also passed 2019, with a growth of +12% over the first half of the last pre-pandemic year, and an average price that went from 21 euros per bottle, in retail, in 2019, to 22.5 in 2021. A powerful and comforting recovery, with a growth of +200% in Aprile and May 2021 over the same period of 2020, according to the Economic Observatory of the Franciacorta Consortium, led by Silvano Brescianini. And export is also good, which for Franciacorta, is worth 13.5% of sales, with Switzerland at the head (which is worth 22.6% of total exports), and encouraging signs that coming from important markets for the territory, like Usa and Japan. “The results achieved - says the president Silvio Brescianini - are exciting. The market and the world of catering have been close to us and have awarded our producers, a sign that recognizes Franciacorta as a reference point for the consumer who wants to live an experiences that represent the best Made in Italy and which is synonymous of quality, culture and trend. All these factors contribute to creating a positive climate in Franciacorta and for all the professionals; we thank the world of catering, wine shops and horeca - which is the main and the most important channel for Franciacorta - who together have contributed to this success and we hope it bodes well for the future of our sector” concludes Brescianini.

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