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“Vinitaly Special Edition”: business appointment with Fipe/Confcommercio and Vinarius

Professionals and experts from all over the world will be in Verona from October 17 to October 19 to restart the wine sector and business networking

The Special Edition of Vinitaly, scheduled to be held from October 17-19th at Veronafiere, will be totally dedicated to markets. This edition will deal exclusively with business and events and activities will be for professionals in the field, both Italian and foreign, that produce, sell, distribute and communicate wine. Such an “extraordinary” edition in the normal calendar of wine events will be a boon to organizing the 2022 agenda and also help the sector restart, thanks to the strategic incoming activities that the ICE Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have carried forward.
Alongside the business to business events Vinitaly has scheduled, there will be events for professionals from the major demand Countries, and mass retail, organized and in collaboration with FIPE/CONFCOMMERCIO and VINARIOUS, the association of Italian wine stores. One of the innovations is the showcase and mixology laboratory area and the Vinitaly Buyers Club.  In addition to the actual, physical show, Veronafiere has organized Vinitaluy Plus, a platform in 10 languages continuously active, so that businessmen can consult technical sheets, the various companies, and events, as well as chat directly and make appointments with the producers, and also participate in online events and masterclasses during the special edition.
There will be space also for tastings at the Vinitaly Special Edition, starting with Tasting Ex...Press, lead by the foreign press, and an area dedicated to organic wines including three tastings daily. The contents of and follow up to wine2wine Business Forum (October 18-19th) will complete the very full program.

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