Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Brunello di Montalcino record 2021, on the wave of the extraordinary 2015 and 2016 vintages

Fabrizio Bindocci, president of the Brunello Consortium said, “Now, we must consolidate our position”
Fabrizio Bindocci, president of the Brunello di Montalcino Consortium

The Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino is flying high on the wings of enthusiasm and the market towards “Benvenuto Brunello” in New York, in February, in the heart of its number one market, the United States of America. The exceptional value of two consecutive very celebrated vintages such as 2015 and 2016, have made 2021 a record year or the excellent Tuscan red wine. Almost 11.4 million bottles of Brunello di Montalcino were put on the market in 2021 - 37% more than in the previous three years - and more than 1 million Reserves (+ 108% compared to 2020). The average bulk price increased + 28% (ranging from 950 to 1.150 euros per hectoliter for the 2016 and 2017 vintages, according to data from the Siena Chamber of Commerce, updated to January 12, 2022, ed.), and stocks in the cellar of bottled wines were at all-time lows (-38% compared to December 2020). Further, confirming the timeless charm of one of the most prestigious appellations in the world, Rosso di Montalcino is also growing (+ 10% compared to 2020, to 4.6 million bottles), according to the Consortium’s evaluation based on data from the certification agency, Valoritalia, related to State labels distributed last year on bottles to be put on the market.
“The two golden years on the market of our flagship wine has ended with increases of 12% and 27%, respectively”, Fabrizio Bindocci, president of the Consorzio del vino Brunello di Montalcino, said, “now our goal is to consolidate the position we have achieved. At the end of February we will be in New York together with our producers for the US edition of “Benvenuto Brunello”. In the meantime we are studying a new special event dedicated to Rosso di Montalcino, a product that is continuously confirming its identity and great potential”.
The analysis on the official state seals revealed that the last two super-years on the market (2015 and 2016) reached record numbers. Since 2010 the 11 million-bottle ceiling on the market had not been topped, thanks also to the demand oriented more and more towards quality consumption. Overall, in the last two years, almost 10.2 million State labels have been delivered relative to the 2015 vintage and, pending the performance of the Reserve at its debut this year, over 9.4 million labels for 2016. Even sold out did not limit the request - during the new “Benvenuto Brunello” in November - for 2017, which already has 3.1 million bottles ready to debut on the market. The Consortium represents the highest number o, members who hold 98.4% of bottled wines. The Consortium of Brunello di Montalcino wine brings together 214 members, protecting an area that extends over 4,300 hectares of vineyards in the district of the Municipality of Montalcino (2.100 hectares in Brunello, quota since 1997), in favor of four PDOs in the territory (Brunello di Montalcino, Rosso di Montalcino, Moscadello di Montalcino and Sant'Antimo, ed.).

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