Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

With an all-time record in sales, Mezzacorona closes out 2022: over 213 million euros (+8.60%)

Nearly 67 million euros paid out to members, with an average yield per hectare of 18,000 euros. Trentino winery is the most social in Italy

For the Trentino group Mezzacorona, one of the most important wine cooperatives in Italy and Trentino, 2022 was a year to remember: historic record sales with more than 213 million euros (+8.60% over 2021) and 66.8 million euros paid out to members, despite an inclement production year due to weather events. Shareholders’ equity was close to 105 million euros, while yield per hectare remained very high at 18,000 euros. Net income was 1.5 million euros. In addition, the group, which employs 491 people, obtained member production certification (Sqnpi) for the seventh consecutive year. Exports make up more than 80% of sales, in 69 countries around the world. But that’s not all: Mezzacorona confirms itself as the most social winery in Italy. The financial statements, communicated in these days during the Shareholders’ Meeting, highlight the group’s strength both economically and financially: “very positive results, despite a difficult year, not only because of the consequences of the pandemic but also because of the economic crisis”, emphasize president Luca Rigotti and managing director Francesco Giovannini.
Cooperation, which accounts for more than half of Italy’s wine production, is thus confirmed as one of the pillars of our country’s enology, as it represents for many territories, where vineyard ownership is particularly fragmented, the only way for winemakers to stay on the market and have an economic return. Exports are a key asset for Mezzacorona, accounting for more than 80% of sales: the group exports its wines to 69 countries around the world, enhancing the reputation and image of Trentino. Strong presence in the United States, the most important and strategic market, and in Germany. Then at the top we find Holland, Austria and Switzerland, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, Eastern Europe, the Far East (Japan, South Korea, China) but also new markets such as Australia, Israel, South America, the Caribbean and Vietnam.
The policy of sustainability has always been strongly pursued by the group, not only from an environmental point of view but also from a social, economic, cultural and territorial one (after all, Mezzacorona was among the first companies in Trentino in the 1970s to focus on DOCs and since the 1990s to successfully experiment with the most advanced practices for integrated production). A commitment sealed by the fourth edition of the Sustainability Report, in which the company's good sustainable practices were punctually reported: from energy saving to environmental protection, from the management of natural resources to water purification. The members also obtained in 2021 the Certification of the grapes produced according to the National Quality System for Integrated Production (Sqnpi), a fundamental and necessary step that has already allowed once again the Certification of the wines and their launch on all international markets. A focus on the territory that was highlighted with the “Musivum” (Mosaic) project, which saw the launch of the two latest proposals, the Teroldego Rotaliano Doc Superiore Riserva 2016 and the Marzemino Trentino Doc Superiore from the Cantina di Ala, which completed the range composed of the other selections.
But one of the most important investments in recent years has been in social media: the three main brands Mezzacorona, Rotari and Feudo Arancio have reached in the various channels almost 1,000,000 total likes: this is why Mezzacorona was crowned in the 2022 annual survey of the specialized company Omnicom PR Group as the most social Italian winery, “a result of great satisfaction that highlights how Mezzacorona is an innovative and dynamic company, capable of putting itself fully in tune with its time and with modernity”, highlights the company in a note.

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