Prosecco, Chianti and Lambrusco have been confirmed the best-selling wines in the Italian mass retail trade (including the e-commerce channel of general brands), though volumes are decreasing but there is a slight increase in values. This is the picture of 2024 taken from the previews of the “Circana for Vinitaly” study ( in Verona from April 6-9). According to the study, 753 million liters of still and sparkling wine, at a total value over 3.1 billion euros, were sold in 2024 in mass retail, which is the most important sales channel for the sector.
According to Circana, for still wines alone, the sector closed 2024 at -1.3% in volume compared to the previous year, partially offset by +2.2% in value. The positive performance of designation of origin bottled wines, +0.7%, was confirmed by other categories of wines registering excellent results in 2024, somewhat unexpectedly. As far as prices go, Circana explained, the average cost for a designation of origin bottled wine (DOC, DOCG, TGI) was 5.57 euros per liter, an average increase of 2% compared to the previous year. This increase is definitely lower than the 2023 figure that registered increases over +6%.
On the ranking of the best-selling wines, the Prosecco world is in first place overall. It boasts 49.5 million liters sold (+4.7% compared to 2023) and 362.4 million euros (+2.8%). The Veneto-Friuli sparkling wines, in spite of 1.9% drop on the average price, has the highest unit value in the “Top 10”, at 5.51 euros per 0.75 liter bottle. In second place, at a distance, Chianti, at 16.3 million liters (-2.9%) and 95.8 million euros (-1%), and third, Lambrusco at 15.1 million liters (-4%) and57.2 million euros (-3.7%). In fourth place, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, at 14.1 million liters (+1.7%) and 51.6 million euros (+0.8%), ahead of Chardonnays of various origins, including foreign, at 11.7 million liters (+3.1%) and 53.9 million euros (+5.2%). At number 6, Vermentino from Sardinia, Tuscany and Liguria, which shows double figure growth, at 11.6 million liters (+11.7%) and 84.1 million euros (+13.5%), plus the varietal linked to the Tyrrhenian Sea coasts achieved the second highest average price in the “Top 10”, at 5.44 euros per bottle (+1.6%).
Closing the ranking of the Top 10 wines in volume, in order: Müller Thurgau from Trentino Alto Adige, at 9.7 million liters (-3.8%) and 49.2 million euros (-3.3%), Barbera made in Piedmont (but also in Lombardy) at 8.8 million liters (+1.4%) and 44.7 million euros (+3.4%), Ribolla from Friuli Venezia Giulia, at 8.6 million liters (+11.3%) and 48 million euros (+8.7%), and Nero d’Avola from Sicily, at 7.7 million liters (0.9%) and 34.8 million euros (+0.6%).
Just outside the Top 10, Primitivo from Puglia, which is performing very well and growing rapidly at 7.3 million liters (+11.8%) and 45.7 million euros (+12.6%). The Metodo Classico sparkling wines, at 7.2 million liters (+3.8%) and 134.4 million euros (+6.2%), is the macro-category that moves the most value, after Prosecco, and has the highest average price overall, at 13.8 euros per bottle (+2.3%).
The picture confirms the overall negative trend in 2024, but to a much lesser degree than in 2023, as Virgilio Romano, Business Insight Director of Circana explained, “In 2024 there was an improvement in the data, though still negative, of wine. The slowdown, due to prices, would seem to be behind us, in a scenario that however leaves no room for optimism and forecasts of sustained growth in the category. In 2024, shoppers choices were directed towards smaller purchases as well as towards brands/types at a lower price, to safeguard their spending budget. However, there are positive signs, and we must continue to work on them. It will be necessary to make the most of this current equilibrium, even though it is still precarious, and make intelligent and far-sighted choices. We need to find the most effective strategies to counteract this unchanged situation from the point of view of supply, and declining from the point of view of demand, following the consumer as a guiding light”.
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