A panoramic shot from the top reveals a field full of blossoming flowers, while rows upon rows of vineyards, as far as the eye can see, have completely taken over the Arena in Verona, which usually would be hosting fantastic concerts. Times have changed and Nature has recovered its spaces. So, we have seen deer and bears walking around villages, dolphins spotted near the coasts, swans and mallards walking through the streets of the empty and silent cities during lockdown. The Venetian winery, Pasqua, has asked Timo Helgert to tell its story. The German art director and artist is the author of “The Return of Nature”, a series of digital installations on his Instagram profile where, for instance, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan appears to be lying on a carpet of flowers, the Brooklyn bridge has been transformed into a jungle, and Wembley stadium in London has been “invaded” by butterflies. It will be a tribute to Verona and Valpolicella (on Instagram), as well as to the renaissance of Nature that has recovered the health of its flora and fauna, de-urbanizing the cities most affected by Covid-19.
The founder and creative director of Vacades has turned his gaze to Verona, Valpolicella and the Pasqua winery with the same creative approach he has dedicated to the cities around the world. The Pasqua winery has always supported and sponsored young artistic talents, because, “in a world that is more and more projected towards the future, today’s new generations inspire us and offer us new visions”, explained Riccardo Pasqua, at Pasqua Vini “ and this is why we like to sponsor the expression of their creativity and talent in all its manifestations. This is why we have chosen Timo Helgert. His innovative project brings great value to the art world”. And, it also represents a message of hope for those affected by the lockdown because of Covid-19. Instead of creating fear, which happens often when talking about this issue, Timo Helgert has decided to bring the attention back to the beauty of simple things, concentrating his art on exploring the potential of augmented reality, to appreciate nature and create hope, even in difficult times such as these.
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