Every year since 1991, Great Place To Work, a research, technology and organizational consulting company that analyzes workplaces, has been lining up the realities that are most attentive to workplace culture and personnel management, based on surveys of employee satisfaction themselves, from which four different rankings arise, based on the number of employees in the company. And among the smallest realities, that is, those with fewer than 50 employees, there is also a winery, the only one in the rankings, which, in the 2023 edition, of “Great Place to Work Italy” came in at position No. 5: Hic et Nunc.
The Monferrato label, with its 21 hectares under vine, has been owned since 2012 by the Rosolen family, which has embarked on an ambitious project to enhance the winemaking heritage of Basso Monferrato and its native varieties (Barbera, Grignolino, Freisa, Dolcetto, Cortese and Nebbiolo) through the design of a visionary and transparent winery and a wine resort, Ca’ dell’Ebbro, a structure surrounded by the winery’s vineyards.
The work is directed at sustainability, not only environmental, through the organic conversion process that will end in 2023, but also ethical and social, a crucial aspect for the future of agriculture. An aspect that the company implements through corporate welfare practices, training courses, sharing moments involving the workforce as a whole, assessments through the Insights method of employees’ aptitudes and growth areas.
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