The grape harvest is a very important moment for winemakers, during which, with intense and accurate work, the fruit is harvested from the vineyards and on which the quality of the vintage will depend. It is also, obviously, a moment of celebration, to be enjoyed in the country which the modern tools of harvesting now used cannot dampen the effects of the natural wonder of the harvest.
Sharing with the public, involving children in an ancient tradition, stimulates a healthier and more respectful approach to life in the country and is the goal of the event “Vedi cosa Bevi” (See What You Drink) that has been organized by the Movimento del Turismo del Vino (Wine Tourism Movement) on various Sundays during the month of September (the dates vary from region to region, according to the harvest period).
Just as with “Cantine Aperte” (Open Wineries, which is held on the last Sunday in May), the autumnal appointment “Benvenuta Vendemmia” represents another occasion offered to the eno-tourist as a way to spend a day discovering a territory and its eno-gastronomic cultural traditions with the rich array of events offered by winemakers. Each regional chapter of the organization, which is headed by Chiara Lungarotti, will set up the local events set to take place on various Sundays throughout the month of September.
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