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Champagne, 2019 vintage “exceptional”, despite (or thanks to) the climate change

Harvest is about to end, communicates the Comitè Champagne: frost and heat have reduced the potential of 10%, but grapes with great balance and aromas

If for Italian sparkling wine, in the most important territories, according to the producers heard by WineNews, in terms of quality, 2019 could have been an exceptional harvest, even in Champagne toasts to a vintage that could prove memorable, according to the Comitè Champagne. A territory, Champagne, where “global warming is a reality, with the average temperature has increased by +1.1 degrees Celsius in thirty years. So far, this phenomenon has been beneficial for the quality of Champagne wines and the 2019 vintage is no exception,” explains the Comité, despite the spring frosts that destroyed part of the bud, and heat waves between June and July (with the absolute record of 42.9 ° C recorded on July 25), which have actually cut 10% of the harvest potential.

However, the warm and sunny climate of August and September combined with cool nights has allowed the vines to experience a dynamic of exceptional ripening and has offered musts that, due to their balance between acidity and sugar levels, as well as their aromatic concentration, are a good omen for future cuvées.

“The harvest, which began in the very first days of September, is about to end. Despite a strong heterogeneity between the various areas of the denomination, Champagne should on average exceed 10,000 kg/ha, a volume close to the economic yield necessary to fuel the demand of the markets. Moreover, thanks to the exceptional harvest of 2018, which allowed the completion of the “réserve Champagne” (which acts as “climate insurance” to compensate for a possible harvest deficit), the vigneron and the Maison have faced this harvest with great serenity”, explains the Comité, which recalls that, “committed since 2000 in a policy of sustainable development, Champagne has largely reduced its environmental impact and has set itself two macro objectives: “zero herbicides” by 2025 and 100% of companies with an environmental certification by 2030”.

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