Italian wine exports abroad soar and reach a record 3.93 billion euros in 2010, a 12% increase. The Coldiretti (Italian Employers Federation) analysis recently confirmed these figures and also underlined that wine is among the high range Made in Italy products showing the best performance even in 2011.
In new markets like China, exports of Italian wine doubled in 2010 with an increase in value of 108%, while in India there was an increase of 65% and Russia - notes Coldiretti – with an increase of 58% and a value of 104 million euros has become one of the major trading partners. In the U.S.A., exports of Italian wine are over a fifth of the total turnover – continues Coldiretti – with an increase in value of 11% and Italy is the market leader ahead of France and Australia. There was “only” a 4% increase in the traditional German market, which however, continues to be the most important destination. The excellent results in wine exports are also due to the positive performance of other Made in Italy food products. All the major Made in Italy sectors are on the increase abroad, but the most exported product has become - continues Coldiretti - fresh fruits and vegetables: an increase of 21% in value, reaching 4.1 billion euros while cheese and dairy products increased by 15% for a value of 1.7 billion euros and olive oil by 14%, to 1.1 billion euros. Exports of pasta – says Coldiretti –which is an important Made in Italy product on foreign tables (1.8 billion euros) are fairly stable.
It is mainly the positive performance of designation of origin products - continues Coldiretti - such as Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano, that soared to a record increase of 26% on world markets, but also of Parma ham which in 2010 achieved the best result ever and influenced sales for the entire industry. 2010 was a record year for exports of Prosciutto di Parma, which registered an increase of 9.5% and achieved the best result ever with 2.256.000 hams worth 200 million euros that - concludes Coldiretti - have crossed national borders to reach the tables of more than 80 countries around the world.
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