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Covid-19 also stops the London Wine Fair: the English fair strikes the flag

Until a few days ago there was a strong conviction to “replace” ProWein, now the showdown with a reality much harder than expected
The London Wine Fair

The British bulwark of the European wine trade fair world also falls: officially postponed the “London Wine Fair”, on the calendar from May 18i to 20, which, for weeks, has strongly reiterated its will not to move the dates, in the conviction of overcoming the Covid-19 emergency unscathed, a bit as hoped, with a good dose of cynicism, by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the last to surrender to the evidence, in a Europe on its knees, where the Italian example, mocked by many in the early days, has soon become the only possible one to follow. There is, for the moment, no alternative date, but the backtrack, in the words of Hannah Tovey, head of the London Wine Fair, is dictated by the same identical obstacles encountered by all the other fairs - postponed or canceled - of wine & food: uncertainty about what will be and the safety of exhibitors and visitors. Thus, the conviction of being able to set up a safe event, based on the historic British isolationism, strong in numbers, at least until a few days ago, not so worrying, but also the possibility of “replacing” ProWein, as said between the lines, but not too much, just from Hannah Tovey.

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