Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Digital and “at home” previews, also thanks to the boom of micro-bottles for tastings

The curiosity of the Valpolicella Annual Conference (February 26-27), and the 100% made in Italy choice for the Anteprima del Chiaretto (in April)

Among the curiosities which are characterizing this pandemic era, from the point of view of wine, there is the boom of micro-bottles, more and more used to send to critics and tasters the samples of wines which, in normal times, would have been tasted in the many events and previews of Italian wine. Forced to change their skin, as told, among many others, by the Valpolicella Annual Conference, to be held on February 26th and 27th, including online conferences and remote guided tastings, or the choice of the Consorzio di Tutela del Chiaretto e del Bardolino, which “does not give up the Anteprima del Chiaretto, but rethinks it in a completely new way. Considering the continuing pandemic, the 12th event dedicated to the pink wine of the Veronese Lake Garda, which, with the recent modification of the regulations of the denomination, has officially adopted the name Chiaretto di Bardolino, will be divided into two phases. The first one, which will start in April, will involve Italian and international media, bloggers and influencers of the world of wine: they will be sent a large sample of Bardolino Chiaretto of the new vintage (about fifty labels), reconditioned in glass bottles (preferred to other solutions) having a content of 5 cl, that is the quantity usually served in professional tastings. After two months of testing, the Consortium has chosen the bottles of Vignon, the first Italian service of reconditioning of wine and spirits designed to support all the actors involved in training, promotion and sales in the beverage sector. Vignon bottles are light and resistant and avoid wastes because they allow to let more people taste the same bottle at the same time, in optimal conditions, in different places”, explains an official note. Together with samples of Bardolino Chiaretto, samples of Monte Veronese Dop cheese and a mini-book dedicated to Chiaretto will also be sent. The second phase of the Preview of Chiaretto will involve producers and restaurants of the city of Verona at the end of May, when “100 Note in Rosa” will start, an event that will enliven the summer evenings of the city of Verona, of the province and of the Gardesana Riviera with the best musical talents of Verona. All this, of course, subject to new regulations and new limitations dictated by the situation related to Covid-19.
“Despite the pandemic and the consequent sharp drop of tourist presences on Lake Garda - explains Franco Cristoforetti, president of the Chiaretto and Bardolino Consortium - the sales of Bardolino Chiaretto have remained constant on the market: an important signal, which shows once again how the Consortium’s choices have been far-sighted, confirming our denomination as leader among pink wines in Italy. Also for this reason we decided not to renounce to the Preview and to the presentation of the 2020 vintage, but to rethink the event in new ways”.
“The climatic conditions of 2020 - concludes Andrea Vantini, head of the technical area of the Consortium - allowed a perfect development of the fruity aromatic components of the grapes, which are translated in Chiaretto di Bardolino in the presence of citrus fruits and small berries. The characteristics of the local microclimate, instead, ensured the presence of those components of freshness and sapidity which are typical of Chiaretto di Bardolino. As confirmed by the tasting of the wines which are now released on the market, the year 2020 has been a good vintage despite the period of considerable climate change”.

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